Menpora Calls Preparation For Central 2024 PON Closing Events Speeded Up

JAKARTA - The closing of the XXI Aceh National Sports Week (PON)-North Sumatra 2024 will be held on Friday, September 20, 2024, WIB night, at the Main Stadium of North Sumatra.

Menpora Dito Ariotedjo claims that so far preparations for the closing ceremony have been accelerated for the success of the agenda.

"Yes, there will be many festivals because we want to bring up committees, visitors, the community, athletes, and officials who may have had a lot of tension over the past two weeks," said Menpora Dito Ariotedjo at the North Sumatra PBSI Sports Center, Deli Serdang, Thursday, April 19, 2024.

The Minister of Youth and Sports further hopes that the closing ceremony of the 2024 PON can take place successfully, smoothly, and safely.

The people present can also be happy and enjoy the night of the closing of the 2024 PON.

"So, later the closing ceremony will be more friendly, family, and happy. To this day, the Coordinating Minister (PMK) represents (present at the closing ceremony)," said the Minister of Youth and Sports again.

The closing ceremony of the 2024 PON is expected to be attended by 30 thousand people. PB PON 2024 as the organizing committee limited 11 thousand of them to meet the stands of the North Sumatra Main Stadium, which is actually 25,750 people.

Around 11 thousand people will later be divided on the north, south, and west sides of the stands.

While the rest, they can still watch the closing of the 2024 PON through a large screen outside the stadium.