Lampung Enters The Potential For Pilkada Insecurity Index, NCS Polri Asks Polda To Optimize Coolling System

JAKARTA - The National Police's Nusantara Cooling System (Ops NCS) Operation Team asked all ranks of the Lampung Regional Police to maximize the cooling system ahead of the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada). Because Lampung is included in the Election Insecurity Potential Index (IPKP).

"The potential index for election vulnerabilities in 2024, describes Lampung Province as a vulnerable area and other provinces, namely East Java, Central Sulawesi and Papua," said Deputy Chief of Operations for NCS Polri Brigadier General Yuyun Yudhantara in his remarks at the Novotel Ballroom, Bandar Lampung, Thursday, September 19.

The potential for election vulnerability is an assessment of a number of indicators from seven dimensions, namely, the dimensions of the organizers, security, pilkada participants, community participation, potential disturbances in security and social order, potential thresholds, and real disturbances.

Therefore, cooling systems that prioritize preemptive and preventive efforts with a humanist and persuasive approach need to be carried out.

Moreover, there have been several incidents of conflict in the last few years in Lampung, namely the destruction of houses of worship, demonstrations of alleged money politics in the 2018 Lampung gubernatorial election and a number of social conflicts.

"We hope that the simultaneous regional elections in Lampung Province will be free from conflict and take place safely," he said.

"Situasi-situasi seperti ini perlu diantisipasi apalagi waktu pelaksala akan segera," sambung Yuyun.

The role of all satkers starting from Babhinkamtibmas, intelligence and others needs to be improved to maintain a conducive security and social security situation during the implementation of the regional elections.

"The National Police Chief emphasized that the Regional Police need to optimize the cooling system to eliminate potential conflicts by utilizing local knowledge and experience," he said.

The NCS activity initiated by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo succeeded in anticipating conflicts through several activities, namely social service, friendship with community leaders, religious leaders, traditional leaders and community organizations.

"These activities were then attached to the media so that the message of peaceful elections was accepted by the public. The results of various surveys of NCS activities received positive sentiment of 97 percent. This potential narrative contributed to the creation of a conducive atmosphere during yesterday's presidential election," concluded Yuyun.

NCS Polri appreciates the steps taken by the Lampung Police Chief and his staff because so far they have carried out a number of cooling systems to reduce potential conflicts by optimizing the role of Bhabinkamtibmas and other members of the police.

"Given that the implementation of the simultaneous regional elections is getting closer, we urge the Lampung Regional Police to maximize the existing cooling system activities," he said.

Meanwhile, the Lampung Police Chief is grateful for the assistance provided from the center for the Lampung Regional Police. "Through this activity, all personnel are able to understand and implement a cooling strategy that prioritizes preemptive and preventive," said Helmy.

He has also ordered all the main officials of the Lampung Regional Police and the police chiefs to increase sensitivity. If there is any problem, immediately take anticipatory steps with the Danrem and Forkopimda with a humanist approach.

He also asked his members who were present in person and online in the direction of the NCS Police Ops Team not to just abort their obligations. However, it must implement it from the direction of the NCS Polri Task Force to the maximum and optimal extent to create a safe, peaceful and orderly regional election.

"We all hope that at the time of the stages and peaks of the democratic party in Lampung Province, the security and social security situation will remain conducive, then the democratic party will run, safe, orderly and lancer, so that the elected regents, mayors and governors will be democratically elected," said Helmi.