Petrokimia Gresik Has Salurkan 4.68 Million Tons Of Subsidized Fertilizer

JAKARTA - Director of Operations and Production of Petrokimia Gresik Digna Jatiningsih stated that his party had distributed 4.68 million tons of national subsidized fertilizer from the target of 9.55 million tons as of September 13, 2024.

"There are still four months left that we can optimize so that we can distribute and fill the fertilizer needs itself," he said in Gresik, East Java, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 18.

Digna said, the realization of the distribution of fertilizer as much as 4.68 million tons when viewed in terms of the contract addendum has been realized 71.2 percent of the allocation of additional budget adjustments of Rp7.1 trillion or 6.57 million tons.

Meanwhile, when viewed from the Ministry of Agriculture's target Number 249 of 2024, the realization has only reached 49 percent of the latest additional allocation of 9.55 million tons.

Of the total 4.68 million tons nationally, which was realized to East Java was 1.01 million tons or 53 percent of the target of 1.92 million tons.

Meanwhile, the condition of the national fertilizer stock until September 13, 2024, Digna said, for subsidized fertilizers, namely Urea Sub, it was as much as 670,770 tons while NPK Sub was 554,696 tons or reached 221 percent when compared to the minimum stipulated stock.

For non-subsidized fertilizer stocks, namely Urea Non Sub is 376,274 tons and NPK Non Sub 90,112 tons.

Then for the availability of fertilizers in the East Java Region itself, 166,655 tons include subsidized fertilizers, namely Urea Sub 84,126 tons and NPK Sub 44,859 tons and non-subsidized fertilizers, namely Urea Non Sub 32,521 tons and NPK Non Sub 2,020 tons.

"For the stock of East Java subsidy fertilizer, it is equivalent to 170 percent when compared to the minimum stipulated stock," said Digna.