Silent Walking Becomes A Sports Losser Of Gen Z Stress, Here's The Explanation

YOGYAKARTA TikTok social media has again created a new trend of sports loved by Gen Z, namely silent walking. On social media, many content creators participate in promoting silent walking which is believed to be able to maintain physical fitness and maintain mental health. Because of this, many think that silent walking is a sport that relieves Gen Z stress.

Simply put, silent walking is a challenge walking without wearing certain tools that have the potential to bring in noise or disturbances to our modern life. Silent walking is also associated with meditation by walking.

Reporting from British GQ, there is a reason why silent walking is identified with the practice of meditation running because this activity is able to reduce noise.

Michelle Justice, yoga instructor and founder of Nature Sound Retreat said that silent walking helps eliminate noise and disturbances that come from modern life. This activity actually encourages a person to keep moving while aligning his breath with his rhythm.

"You can completely immerse yourself in the journey itself - observing the pattern of light that shifts to decorate the road ahead, feeling various textures under the feet, paying attention to the subtle aroma carried by the wind," Michelle Justice was quoted as saying by British GQ.

Lalah Delia, author of the book Mindfulness 'Vibrate Higher Daily' assessed that the silent walking trend is not really new. Because Buddhist monks Zen had previously been doing these activities for a long time, it's just that they have different names.

"They call it'meditation is running'," explained Delia.

As explained earlier, silent walking is done by distancing modern devices that have the potential to cause disturbances. This means that pedestrians must keep away devices such as earphones and even smartwatches because both have the potential to cause interference. To do so, here's how to practice quiet walking.

Basically, the health benefits of silent walking are the same as the benefits of walking 30 minutes every day. For example, silent walking helps burn calories or improve body fitness.

The main benefit offered by silent walking is to help improve mental health. Running with silence helps create a sense of joy because it is believed to increase levels of endorphins, serotonins, and dopamine which helps increase joy and reduce anxiety.

Silent walking is a fun activity. Visit to get more interesting information.