Tomorrow April 1, 2021, Yogyakarta International Airport Will Begin Providing COVID-19 Testing Services With GeNose

JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura I Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, is providing COVID-19 detection checks with GeNose for prospective aircraft passengers through the airport starting Thursday, April 1, 2021.

General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) Agus Pandu Purnama in Kulon Progo said that the application of examinations with GeNose is based on Circular (SE) Number 12 of 2021 concerning Travel Provisions for Domestic People during the 2019 Coronavirus Disease Pandemic (COVID-19) by the Task Force Handling COVID-19.

"This circular, which was signed by the Chairman of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo on March 26, is effective starting April 1, 2021. By the circular letter from the COVID-19 task force Number 12 of 2021 regarding the conditions for prospective passengers traveling by air. one can use GeNose C19, which has a validity period of 2 times 24 hours", said Agus Pandu, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, March 31.

He said Angkasa Pura I had also simulated the use of GeNose for YIA's internal employees on March 18, 2021. This simulation is a preparatory stage carried out by airport operators before a decision is made regarding the feasibility of implementing GeNose C-19 as a means of detecting COVID-19 at airports by relevant regulators in the air transportation sector.

"We, from YIA Airport, have taken anticipatory steps regarding the implementation of using GeNose. Then, starting April 1, the inspection through GeNose for all passengers using Yogyakarta International Airport will be implemented", he said.

Regarding GeNose service rates, Agus Pandu stated that the regulations from the central government, in this case, the Ministry of Transportation, have not yet decided on the official GeNose rates to be applied at Yogyakarta International Airport or other airports. Apart from GeNose, health checks through rapid antigen tests are also still provided by Yogyakarta International Airport.

Yogyakarta International Airport provides six units of GeNose equipment for passengers. Six units are in the check booths for each passenger. 16 officers carry out health checks through GeNose. Self-examination starts from 04.00 WIB up to 19.00 WIB.

"The price for GeNose has not been determined by the head office. However, it is around IDR 40 thousand to IDR 50 thousand for a single inspection. In addition to GeNose, we will also serve antigen swab tests. For people who use air travel, they can choose to use an antigen swab or GeNose", said Agus Pandu.

It is estimated that GeNose checks will be carried out on approximately 1,500 passengers per day. This figure comes from 30 flights per day at Yogyakarta International Airport. With the implementation of medical examinations for prospective passengers through GeNose, it is hoped that a significant increase in the number of passengers will occur at Yogyakarta International Airport.

"We hope that GeNose, which provides several conveniences in addition to cheaper prices, easier operations, will increase the number of passengers", he said.