Free Nutrition Eating Program Fish Milk Can Absorb More Than 195,000 Workers
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) revealed that the impact of fish milk in this free nutritious eating program could have a layered economic impact. One of them can absorb lebib from 195,000 workers in the fisheries sector.
The Director General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products (PDSPKP) KKP, Budi Sulistyo, said that although the fish milk industry only contributes 1 percent of the total national milk needs which reach around 4.1 million tons per year, the impact will be enormous.
Budi said to meet the 1 percent requirement, as many as 6,150 fish protein industries or fish protein hydrolicity (HPI) with a production capacity of 2 tons per month will be formed domestically.
"For the complementary, only 1 percent will open 6,150 fish protein industries or HPIs with a capacity of 2 tons per month," he said in a media briefing at the Office of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 17.
Based on data presented by Budi, with the opening of more than 6,150 fish protein industries, the absorption of fish per year as raw material will reach 777,630 tons. Where the economic value of the fish raw material is estimated to reach IDR 7.8 trillion per year.
From the industrial production, said Budi, the output in the form of HPI reaches 147,600 tons per year, with the value of HPI products estimated at Rp29.5 trillion per year.
Based on projections, the development of the fish milk program will also bring up 7,119 fish milk industries, with HPI input reaching 147,600 tons per year.
In addition, he said, fish milk production is also estimated to reach 492,000 tons or 14 billion pieces of products per year, with a product value of around IDR 70 trillion per year.
"Then also the fish milk industry, employment (achieving 195,796 workers) to fulfill or produce 492,000 tons of fish milk per year," he explained.
Meanwhile, continued Budi, the total labor absorption from the nutritious lunch program and free milk is targeted to reach 6.5 million in the fisheries sector.
The workforce was absorbed by 1.3 million business fields that were open due to the program.
"We hope that with the strengthening of the downstream program for the use of fish, which so far has low economic value, we are targeting 1.3 million open business fields and 6.5 million employment workers," he said.