BPOM Finds Formalin Noodles And Borax In Bireuen Aceh

JAKARTA - As many as 300 kilograms of wet noodles allegedly containing formaldehyde and borax were found in several traders in the Matang Geulumpang Dua Market Complex, Peusangan District, Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province.

"There are about 300 kilograms of wet noodles that we secure from several traders at the Matang Geulumpang Dua Bireuen Market", said the Head of the Trade Division at the Bireuen Aceh Azhar Trade Industry Cooperative and SME Service, reported by Antara, Wednesday, March 31.

According to him, the findings were discovered after a joint team consisting of the Aceh Food and Drug Administration (BPOM), Regional Police, Bireuen Health Office, Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, and SMEs and Bireuen Police conducted raids to this area.

Azhar explained that the findings of the wet noodles which were suspected to contain formaldehyde and borax were discovered after officers from the Aceh Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) conducted sample examinations at four wet noodle entrepreneurs in this area.

The location of the findings is also in the Fish Market Complex and Matang Geulumpang Dua Terminal Complex, Peusangan District, Bireuen Regency, he said.

Although they have found allegations of violations by several traders because they are suspected of using dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde and borax, the local government has taken firm action in the form of warnings against traders who are suspected of violating it.

"Meanwhile, we will sanction to these traders, so that in the future we will no longer repeat the same actions", added Azhar.

He emphasized that if in the future there are traders who still commit the same violations, then it is certain they will be brought to the realm of the law.