How To Check The Results Of The 2024 CPNS Administrative Selection, Let's See Now!

YOGYAKARTA How to check the results of the 2024 CPNS administration selection needs to be known by applicants who have registered from August 19 to September 10, 2024.

It should be noted that the results of the administrative selection of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) 2024 have been announced since Saturday, September 14, 2024. Prospectors can check online whether they pass the administrative selection or not.

The announcement of the CPNS selection is carried out in stages, starting from September 14 to September 19, 2024.

How to check the results of the CPNS administrative selection can be done through the official CASN selection website, namely

To see the results of the administrative selection, applicants can enter their NIK and account passwords. Congratulations will appear if participants pass the administrative selection.

Applicants who do not pass the administrative selection can make a rebuttal during the rebuttal period.

The way to check the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection is as follows:

Applicants who are declared to have passed the administrative selection can print a CASN Examination Card after the refutation and verification period is complete. Thus, the exam attendance card will not be printed for a while.

After the refutation period is over, participants can re-enter the CASN selection official website to tap the exam card. On the 'Resume Registration' page, the 'Essence Participants Card' button will appear. This card must be downloaded and printed as proof of graduation to follow the next stage of the selection.

In addition to the official CASN website, applicants can also check the results of administrative selection on the websites of each ministry or institution.

As of Monday, September 16, 2024, 22 agencies have announced the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection.

Most of them are regional agencies such as Ogan Komering Ilir, Lamandau, Tabalang, and others.

Meanwhile, central agencies that have announced the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection are the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbud-Ristek), the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), and the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP).

The following is a list of agencies that have announced the 2024 CPNS selection:

This is information on how to check the results of the 2024 CPNS administrative selection. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.