First Operated In Southeast Asia, GIS's Nathabumi Facility Successfully Destroys 103 Tons Of Ozone Destroyer

JAKARTA - The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) continues to play an active role in global action to preserve the ozone layer by strictly controlling the use, import activity, and production of the Ozone Destroyer Material (BPO). PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) took part in efforts to conserve ozone by optimizing the BPO destruction facility operated by its subsidiary, PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk at the Narogong Factory, Bogor, West Java.

Global action to preserve the ozone layer was triggered by the discovery of holes in the ozone layer in the Antarctic continent in the early 1980s. As the earth's protector of the dangers of solar ultraviolet radiation (UV), especially UV-B, the presence of holes in the ozone layer poses a threat to life on earth. This is because UV radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer, eye damage, and disruption to the human immune system. UV radiation can also cause damage to plants and ecosystems of water, as well as disease in animals.

Based on awareness of the importance of the role of the ozone layer for life, the international community agreed to protect and restore the ozone layer from damage. The agreement is known as the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement signed on September 16, 1987 by a number of countries to protect the ozone layer from harmful and destructive chemicals, such as the CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) which has elements of chlorine, florin, and carbon, which are found in air conditioning or air conditioning.

GIS, through a sustainable waste and waste management business line called Nathabibumi, continues to optimize BPO destruction facilities that have been operating since 2007 and become the first in Southeast Asia. Nathabumi is noted to have helped 36 government institutions and companies from various industries in the destruction of BPOs, including the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical, petrochemical, manufacturing, energy, mining, waste management, to oil and gas industries.

As of August 2024, Nathabumi has destroyed 103 tonnes of BPOs that can damage the ozone layer, or have helped prevent the release of Greenhouse Gas into an atmosphere equivalent to 220,914 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Types of BPOs destroyed include halo compounds widely used for fire extinguishers, refrigerants-CFC/HCCFC/HFC from cooling units such as AC and refrigerators, as well as SF6 commonly used in high voltage electrical equipment.

SIG's Corporate Secretary, Vita Mahreyni, said the presence of BPO destruction facilities further strengthens GIS' steps in efforts to preserve the environment to maintain the survival of living things on earth, which is in line with the sustainability of the 2030 GIS roadmap pillar of Environmental Protection.

The BPO destruction facility not only contributes to the conservation of the ozone layer, but also as an effort to mitigate climate change. Because BPOs that are not well managed will increase the intensity of Greenhouse Gas which causes climate change, which we have felt today, such as increasing geothermal temperatures," said Vita Mahreyni, in a written statement, Tuesday, September 17.

The process of destroying BPO by Nathabumi is carried out with technology that is safe and environmentally friendly, where liquid and gas BPO waste is destroyed in cement with temperatures reaching 1,500 degrees Celsius stably. This BPO extermination facility has a BPO processing permit from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia.

To contribute more to efforts to preserve ozone lapzan, SIG also encourages the use of non-CFC (CFC) refrigerants and APAR (Light Fire Extinguishing) non-HALON in the operating area. Like PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBl), a GIS subsidiary that has used ozone-friendly coolers and APARs throughout the operating area.

Vita Mahreyni added, GIS also implements operational excellence by using hydrogen injection in production activities. The use of hydrogen injection helps the burning process in cement pins to be more perfect, thus supporting optimization of production activities and efficiency in the use of fuel, as well as preventing the emergence of N2O substances which are chemical compounds that can also damage ozone.

"With the facilities, capabilities, and experience they have, GIS is ready to collaborate with various parties to jointly preserve the ozone layer so that the earth remains a safe and comfortable place to live for all living things," said Vita Mahreyni.