Peaceful Perpetrators And Victims Of Child Abuse, Head Of Criminal Investigation Unit Muna Examined By Propam
KENDARI - The Profession and Security Division (Bid Propam) of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda) detained and conducted an examination of the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Muna Police for seven days related to alleged violations of case handling in Muna Regency.
Head of the Propam Bid of the Southeast Sulawesi Police, Kombes Moch. Sholeh said that his party carried out an investigation into the case handled by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Muna Police, AKP La Ode Arsangka, regarding the case of sexual abuse of minors in Muna Regency.
"While investigations are still being carried out," said Moch. Sholeh was reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 17.
He said the examination of the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Muna Police was carried out based on information received from the public.
"Regarding information from the public, from our function (Bid Propam) conduct an in-depth investigation," he said. To explore the case, his party secured La Ode Arsangka for approximately seven days for an in-depth examination for seven days.
"Why was the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit carried out security, because his official location in Muna was far away, so he didn't focus, so we did security and yesterday we returned the security to his unit," said Moch Sholeh.
Even though they have been repatriated, if in the investigation it is found that the violation committed by Arsangka in carrying out his duties will be immediately detained or special assistance.
"We are still investigating this, yes, once again we are investigating, (if) we find it directly, we will do patsus, yesterday it was not a patsus," he explained.
Moch Sholeh also confirmed that the investigation of the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Muna Police was carried out on the case of sexual abuse of minors handled by Arsangka.
However, during the process, Arsang tried to restore justice or reconcile between the perpetrator and the victim.
"What are the findings that will be found by colleagues from Propam (will be conveyed), our colleagues so far we are still conducting in-depth investigations," he said.
In the case that happened to La Ode Arsangka, the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police's Bid Propam has examined five people, consisting of two people, two investigators, and La Ode Arsangka.