Reasons For Fiersa To Increase Expressing The Reason For 'Corruption' Of The Music Stage

JAKARTA - Fiersa Besari's stage actions in various events are often awaited by hundreds or even thousands of fans. But lately he even expressed his intention to take a break from the music stage.

In his uploaded video, Fiersa revealed the reason he had to sacrifice the world of music he had been doing for several years.

He said that the family factor and fatigue were the trigger for him to divert himself from the construction of the music stage. However, there are other reasons that are quite disturbing to his head, namely expectations of his work that are not fulfilled.

"The longer I am, the more I meet people, they rarely ask,'made what song new?' Or like which song I am, or, 'when do you perform again?' But on average, they usually ask, 'Where did you finish the mountain, bro?' or, 'Which mountain do you want to go to, bro now?'" explained Fiersa Besari in the video.

Music and nature are two things that have been of concern. Because of that, when music is no longer a priority, he wants to pursue a further traveling hobby.

"At first, it was his choice to sacrifice traveling... Or stage activities. I thought for a long time, finally I decided to, I think I'm better off in the field of natural activities," he added.

"So my image as a natural activist is more attached than a musician. But I don't have a problem, I am grateful for everything," said Fiersa Besari.