What Is The Answer To Math Operation 1+1X0? Even Minister Of Education And Culture Nadiem Makarim Answer Incorrectly

JAKARTA - Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim held an Instagram Live with YouTuber Jerome Polin. During the question and answer session, there was an interesting math problem that made Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem answer incorrectly.

The question is quite simple, it is a 1 + 1 x 0 math problem, however, because it was thrown with the condition that it had to be answered quickly, Mr. Minister Nadiem was giving the wrong answer.

"Mr. Minister please answer quickly. One plus One Time Zero (1 + 1x0)," Jerome asked on his Live Instagram to Nadiem, Tuesday, March 30.

Nadiem answered. "Zero (0)."

The YouTuber who aspires to become Minister of Education repeated the question while blushing. Finally, Nadiem realized the answer was wrong.

"Uh, it should be one, ouch. So calculate one and zero first, then zero plus one becomes one. Really tricky", said the former CEO of Gojek, laughing.

Arithmetic Solution

For those of you who are still confused about 1 + 1 x 0 math problems, here's the solution. In that case, the multiplication problem (x) must be prioritized before addition (+) or subtraction (-)

So the formula used is 1 + (1x0) with the correct answer is 1. It's a different story if you do the addition first, then the answer you get is 0.

Even though it looks confusing, mathematicians agree that the basic operating techniques of calculations are carried out in the order that is done first, namely multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. Here are the basic rules for calculations that involve more than one arithmetic operation.

Rule 1: First of all, do any calculations in parentheses.

Rule 2: Next do all the multiplication and division, working from left to right.

Rule 3: Finally, do all the additions and subtractions, going from left to right.