Houses Burned Due To Piles Of Electricity Collision, Firefighters Suction Water From Residents' Swimming Pools

A total of 4 houses on Jalan Dermaga, Klender, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta, were burned to the ground on Monday, September 16, morning.

The cause of the fire is suspected to be due to a buildup of electrical plugs, resulting in a short circuit.

"The cause of the fire is suspected to be on the cable or electronic devices of a resident's house," said Firefighters officer Sunarimo to reporters, Monday, September 11.

Firefighters who arrived at the location with police officers struggled to extinguish the fire.

"For the firefighters, there are 11 units. Thank God, until the fire is extinguished, we have no trouble. Because of the cooperation from the owner of the swimming pool, we also get permission for the water source," he said.

After an hour of watering by 11 fire engines, the flames were finally localized so as not to spread to other houses.

"For the map room, there are four plots (houses that are burned down). These four plots have 2 families consisting of 5 people," he said.

There were no casualties in this incident. Losses are estimated at hundreds of millions of rupiah.

"Alhamdulillah, at the TKP, we have found no victims, all are in good health, both from residents and from officers. Currently, the fire has been extinguished," he said.