East Java Regional Police Chief Promises To Thoroughly Investigate The Persecution Of Tempo Journalists In Surabaya

SURABAYA - East Java Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta promised to thoroughly investigate the case of the persecution of Tempo journalists in Surabaya. Kapolda formed a special team to investigate the case.

"We have also conveyed to media representatives who have met with us, to guard together so that the case can be resolved," said Inspector General Nico, after meeting representatives of journalists' organizations at the East Java Regional Police Headquarters in Surabaya, Tuesday, March 30.

Inspector General Nico said he was concerned about the acts of violence experienced by Tempo correspondent, Nurhadi, during the investigation into the bribery case handled by the KPK. The case involved former Director of Tax Enforcement of the Ministry of Finance, Angin Prayitno Aji.

"We will carry out all investigative activities in a transparent manner. We have also followed up by forming a special team to resolve cases that have occurred," he said.

In addition, the Regional Police Chief invited journalists with information about incidents of persecution to convey it to investigators at the General Criminal Investigation Directorate. He hopes that the relationship between the National Police and the mass media will remain synergistic.

"We appeal to all ranks to keep in touch with media colleagues, so they can work together. Let us all work together to maintain the security of East Java, so that every activity of fellow journalists and police activities can synergize with one another," said Inspector General Nico .

Previously, representatives from several media, both electronic and printed, held a meeting with the East Java Regional Police Chief in the East Java Regional Police Public Relations Room. The meeting was to convey demands that Nurhadi's process be taken seriously.

Farid Rahman, an online media journalist representing the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Surabaya said that cases of violence against journalists often occur. Because of that, Farid refused if Nurhadi's case was only finished with a hearing. "The case of our friend Nurhadi must be resolved. All those involved must be processed and those who are proven must be brought to court (court)," he said.