School Boats From PT SMI Make Access To Education Easy In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The problem of education in Indonesia is still a big challenge to pay attention to and improve. There are so many areas that have not been reached by decent educational facilities such as in urban areas. Limited transportation to reach schools is also the cause of the lack of quality education. This is what makes many inland schools unable to run because there are no students.

Air Raja Island is one of the remote islands in Batam City without electricity during the day. SDN 014 Galang is the only school for elementary school level on the island, but teachers there have to cross the ocean in order to be able to educate the nation's next candidates.

Similar to the students at SMAS Muhammadiyah Onong Sawai, Central Maluku. All students there are not from Olong Village, but from the main village, namely Sawai Country. Without a boat, they will not be able to go to school. The students and teachers had to cross the ocean for 30 minutes.

In August 2024, PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PT SMI) inaugurated two school boats for SDN 014 Galang, Batam and SMAS Muhammadiyah Onong Sawai, Maluku. School boats have engine specifications of 15 PK equipped with roofs so that students and teachers are not splashed with sea waves.

"With the assistance school boat from PT SMI, it is hoped that it can overcome the problem of children's school transportation or teachers at SDN 14 Galang, Batam and SMAS Muhammadiyah Olong Sawai. So that there are no more obstacles in teaching and learning activities at this school and hopefully this assistance can have a long life and provide many benefits for the community," said Sapuri, Representative of PT SMI, in his statement, Friday, September 13.

The results of the collaboration between PT SMI and Rumah Asuh Indonesia, school boats can deliver students and teachers on time. They no longer have to pay for renting a boat, let alone risking their lives in the middle of the ocean. Hopefully, school boats can continue to sail to facilitate access to education in Indonesian waters.