Regarding The Moral Revolution, The Prosecutor Asked The Judge To Reject Rizieq Shihab's Exception

JAKARTA - The public prosecutor (JPU) did not accept Rizieq Shihab and his attorney's note of objection in the case of alleged incitement and violation of the Petamburan crowd's health protocol (prokes). The prosecutor asked the panel of judges to reject the exception.

"Expressing the objection of the exception of the legal adviser and the defendant Rizieq Shihab which was submitted at the East Jakarta District Court on Friday, March 26, cannot be accepted or rejected and states that the examination in this trial will continue to be carried out," said the prosecutor at the trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, March 30th

In addition, the prosecutor also asked the panel of judges to declare that the indictment was appropriate. That way, the trial process can be continued to the stage of examining witnesses and evidence.

"To declare that the indictment registration number for the case Pdn-11 / Jkt.Tim / eku / 03/2021 dated March 4, 2021 on behalf of the defendant Muhammad Rizieq Shihab has been prepared properly in accordance with statutory provisions and therefore the indictment can be used as a basis for examination. this case, "said the prosecutor.

During the trial, the prosecutor also touched on the content of Rizieq Shihab's exception, which was often demeaning. In fact, as a person who claims to be a religious figure, the prosecutor continued that Rizieq should not insult someone, especially in court.

"It is very unfortunate, a religious figure who claims to be the high priest of a religious organization who has a vision and mission to create akhlakul karimah with his moral revolution program but from all his words it is very contrary to his moral revolution because he often demeanes others, in this case the public prosecutor. who are often cursed at and cursed at with words that are inappropriate in terms of ahlakul karimah, "said the prosecutor.

"Moreover, it was said in front of a trial open to the public by a religious figure who claimed to be the high priest with the words barbaric, uncivilized, intellectual backwardness, ignorance and so on," continued the prosecutor.

Rizieq Shihab was charged with incitement to the appearance of a crowd at his daughter's wedding as well as commemorating the Prophet's birthday in Petamburan, Central Jakarta. This crowd is taking place in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

"Doing, who orders to do and who participates in doing actions in public orally or in writing incites to commit a criminal act of health quarantine as referred to in Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Canteen, committing violence against public authorities or disobeying both the provisions of the Law and a position order given is based on the provisions of the law, ”said the prosecutor reading the indictment.

According to prosecutors, Rizieq Shihab and Haris Ubaidillah, Ahmad Sabri Lubis, Ali Alwi Alatas, Idrus alias Idrus Al Habsyi and Maman Suryadi, incited incitement to the emergence of a crowd in Petamburan.