10 Indonesian Export Commodities Derived From Agriculture Results, Known To Be Abundant And Quality

YOGYAKARTA - Indonesia is an agricultural country with abundant natural resources, especially in the agricultural sector. Various agricultural products have become the main commodities in demand in the global market. Several Indonesian export commodities come from agricultural products.
Fertile soil and a supportive climate also make agricultural products in Indonesia not only abundant, but also of high quality. It is well known by many countries that agricultural products in this country have good quality. This factor also affects high prices in the international market.
Export commodities from agriculture sent abroad vary, ranging from coffee, spices, tea, and others. Some of them are even the leading export commodities that have contributed greatly to the national economy.
Meanwhile, Indonesia's export destinations are also spread to various parts of the world, ranging from China, Africa, India, the United States, Russia, Britain, and others. So what are the export commodities of agricultural products from Indonesia that get high demand?
Abundant and quality agricultural products are Indonesia's mainstay to improve the condition of the country's economy. The following are some of the export commodities of Indonesian agricultural products that are well known and are of interest to many countries:
For a long time, tea has been one of the most popular drinks in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that Indonesian-produced tea has received attention from many countries. This is what prompted the government to export tea to various countries.
One of the countries to export tea from Indonesia is the United States. Indonesia once sent 176 tons of tea for the supply of Starbucks coffee franchises. In addition, countries such as Malaysia, Japan, Russia, the UK, Germany, and Pakistan are also the main destinations for Indonesian tea exports.
Apart from tea, other agricultural commodities that are the mainstay of Indonesia's exports are coffee. As may have been widely known, coffee is a drink that is very popular around the world.
Luckily, Indonesia is one of the largest coffee producing countries globally. Currently, various types of Indonesian native coffee have succeeded in penetrating the international market. One of the best known is palm coffee which is sold at premium prices. In addition, many types of Arabica and robusta coffee are also exported abroad.
Several regions in Indonesia that are the best coffee producers include Sumatra, Java, Bali, and Sulawesi. Not only raw coffee beans, Indonesia also exports processed coffee products such as powdered coffee, instant coffee, to ready-to-drink coffee. The main destination countries for Indonesian coffee exports include ASEAN, Japan, and several countries in Europe.
Palm oil is the largest agricultural commodity exported by Indonesia. Palm oil is used in various industries, ranging from food, cosmetics, to biodiesel.
Indonesia is the main producer of world palm oil, with countries such as India, China, and Europe as its main market. Palm oil production has contributed significantly to the national economy, although in recent years, issues related to sustainability and deforestation have become an important concern.
Kakao is also one of Indonesia's agricultural export commodities. Kakao generated from various regions such as Sulawesi and Sumatra is in great demand in the world market. Kakao is in great demand as the main raw material for making chocolate
Several countries for export destinations for Indonesian cocoa are Malaysia, the United States, and the Netherlands. Even though Indonesia is not the largest cocoa producer in the world, the quality of cocoa from this country remains a mainstay for the global chocolate industry.
Indonesia is one of the largest natural rubber producers in the world. Natural rubber from Indonesia is used in various industries, including automotive, manufacturing, and health.
Indonesian rubber exports reach various countries, such as Japan, the United States, and China. With the growing demand for natural rubber in the global market, this commodity is one of the important foreign exchange sources for the country.
Indonesia is also known as a producer of quality spices, such as nutmeg, cloves, pepper, and cinnamon. Since colonial times, Indonesian spices have become an important commodity in the world market.
Until now, spices from Indonesia have been sent to European countries, the Middle East, and Asia, which are the main destinations for export. The quality of spices produced from Indonesian fertile land has made it still in demand today.
Tobacco Indonesia is known for its distinctive aroma and quality. This plant is one of the export commodities from Indonesia that is popular in the international market. Several countries destination for Indonesian tobacco exports are the United States, the Netherlands, and Germany.
Even though the tobacco industry faces challenges related to health regulations, this commodity still makes a significant contribution to Indonesia's exports.
Production in Indonesia is quite abundant, so it is often exported to various countries. Even Indonesia is known as one of the largest exporters in the world.
Interestingly, during the 2015-2018 period, Indonesia's export volume and its derivative products continued to increase. This development makes Indonesia the third largest exporter in the world, after Madagascar and France.
Those are a number of Indonesian export commodities originating from agricultural products. Some of the above agricultural products are well known for their abundant quality and quantity, so they continue to be in demand by various countries in the world. Also read the list of Indonesia's leading commodities in the world's export market.
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