Arsjad Rasjid, Subordinate Of The Conglomerate Agus Lasmono Sudwikatmono Reveals Requirements For Economic Growth To Be 5.3 Percent In 2021

JAKARTA - Candidate for the General Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) for the period 2021-2026 Arsjad Rasjid stated that health recovery is an absolute requirement for achieving the national economic growth target, which in 2021 is projected at 5.3 percent.

"The condition for economic recovery is only one, we have to solve health problems. As long as there is a COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, people's socio-economic activities are very limited", said Arsjad Rasjid in his statement quoted from Antara, Tuesday, March 30.

Arsjad, who is currently Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) for the National Entrepreneur Development Sector, on March 26, 2021, has declared his candidacy as Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the period 2021-2026.

"Kadin consistently supports the government's strategic steps in resolving health problems, particularly in creating collective immunity or herd immunity," said Arsjad, who is President Director of PT Indika Energy Tbk, a company owned by conglomerate Agus Lasmono Sudwikatmono.

Herd immunity is very important and fundamental. Kadin has initiated the Gotong Royong vaccination program as a form of togetherness between Kadin and the government, solving health problems to achieve the national economic growth target.

According to Arsjad, during this pandemic, Kadin was also demanded to strengthen the role of the private sector in restoring health and reviving the economy at the regional and national levels. Vaccination for COVID-19, must continue to be encouraged so that its implementation can be faster so that herd immunity can be achieved immediately.

Based on Our World in Data, in early March 2021, Indonesia ranks in the top 10 in the world in vaccination, after the United States, China, India, Britain, Brazil, Turkey, Germany, Russia, and Israel.

"The pandemic period must be used as momentum to accelerate health programs, helping the government accelerate the distribution and implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination. Health must be restored so that economic recovery can run well", said Arsjad.

Kadin is also obliged to encourage government policies to implement Special Economic Zones (KEK) as new growth centers, accelerate data-based ecosystems and digital technology, and develop the tourism industry and creative economy.

Currently, there are 15 SEZs scattered throughout Indonesia, 11 of which have been operating, namely the Sei Mangkei SEZ, the Tanjung Lesung SEZ, the Palu SEZ, the Mandalika SEZ, the Galang Batang SEZ, the Arun Lhokseumawe SEZ, the Tanjung Kelayang SEZ, the Bitung SEZ, the Morotai SEZ, KEK Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan (MBTK), and KEK Sorong.

Meanwhile, 4 SEZs under construction are Tanjung Api-Api KEK, Singhasari KEK, Kendal KEK, and Likupang KEK.

The government has also set five super priority tourist destinations which consist of Labuan Bajo in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Mandalika (West Nusa Tenggara), Lake Toba (North Sumatra), Likupang (North Sulawesi), and Borobudur (Central Java).

Kadin is the only national employers' organization formed under Law (UU) No.1 of 1987 concerning the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is a government partner in the economic sector, so it is obliged to encourage potential sectors in the region, accelerate the use of digital technology, and encourage investment in sustainable and environmentally friendly industries.

"We must move forward together by establishing an innovation hub to share knowledge and conduct training. We move forward together by encouraging export-oriented businesses", he said.