Appearing At The Wedding Of Supporters, Donald Trump Criticizes Joe Biden, Reveals Election Results

JAKARTA - Former President of the United States (US) Donald Trump is making a scene again, while bringing up his defeat in the United States Election last year.

Not only that, Trump also returned to criticize President Joe Biden's policies. This was all done while attending the wedding of his supporter, the couple John & Megan Arrigo, at Trump's Mar-a-Lago Resort in Florida, last weekend.

According to the BBC, Trump greeted party guests carrying a microphone. A moment later, Trump immediately caught the attention of party guests, with his speech attacking President Joe Biden and the policies made by his administration. Not to forget, he also brought up the US Election.

"They said they got 66 million votes, sir and the election is over. I got 75 million votes and you see what happened?" said Trump, according to the BBC. Joe Biden is declared the winner of the US Election with over 80 million votes.

On this occasion, Trump also attacked the Joe Biden Administration's policies regarding China, Iran and the border issue with Mexico, all of which were contrary to his policies.

"I get all these splash reports, and they tell me about the borders, they tell me about China, they tell me about Iran," Donald Trump said in a video released by TMZ reported by the BBC.

"We are ready to make a deal, they are ready to do anything, they will do anything. And this guy (Joe Biden) went and lifted the sanctions and then he said, we want to negotiate now," Trump criticized.

This scathing statement refers to Iran. Unlike Trump, who imposed sanctions on Iran and left the joint nuclear deal in 2015. President Biden has not imposed sanctions.

In fact, in February, President Biden withdrew the Trump Administration's request to the UN Security Council regarding the imposition of international sanctions against Iran which was accused of violating the nuclear deal.

Meanwhile, regarding the American border with Mexico, Trump called the increase in migrants since Biden's office as the worst, with hundreds of unaccompanied minors currently being held in immigration detention facilities.

From 2017 to 2018, thousands of migrant families were separated from their children on the border between the United States and Mexico during the Trump administration.

"This is the worst ever. What happens to children, they live in squalor. They live like no one has ever seen. There has never been anything like this," Trump said.

Trump's eccentric style is not the first time. While still serving as US President in 2019, he appeared at a supporter's wedding, which was again being held at his property's facility, namely Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, in New Jersey.