Realizing A Sustainable Future, Maybank Indonesia Holds Global CR Day 2024

JAKARTA - PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk (Maybank Indonesia) carries out Maybank Global Corporate Responsibility Day (Maybank Global CR Day) 2024 to realize a sustainable future at the Christina Martha Tiahahu Literacy Park, Blok M, Jakarta through the "Negeri in Clouds" Program, on Saturday 7 September.

"Negeri di Awan" merupakan program yang terintegrasi dan komprehensif dirancang khusus dengan melibatkan Maybankers (karyawan Maybank Indonesia) sebagai relawan dalam memberdayakan masyarakat melalui kegiatan pendidikan, untuk meningkatkan literasi dengan pendekatan yang menarik dan fun.

Meanwhile, this year's Maybank Global CR Day activity carries the theme 'Leading the Charge in Sustainability' and is the culmination of the Maybank Sustainability Week 2024 which has started from September 3 to 7.

The implementation of Maybank Sustainability Week 2024 is filled with a series of activities that include Sustainability Talk and Workshop, namely discussion sessions and workshops designed to provide in-depth insight into sustainability issues and practical solutions that can be applied in everyday life.

In addition, there are also Maybank Sustain Living Market activities, namely exhibitions featuring environmentally friendly and sustainable products from small and medium enterprises that apply business practices responsibly, as well as the implementation of Maybank Global CR Day and Cahaya Kasih through the 'Negeri Program in the Clouds'.

Maybank Sustainability Week 2024 is an affirmation of Maybank's commitment to continue to support sustainability initiatives, and be able to take a role in encouraging innovation and the growth of initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment and society for a greener and more sustainable future.

President Director of Maybank Indonesia, Steffano Ridwan, said that the implementation of Maybank Sustainability Week 2024 reflects Bank's commitment to increasing awareness and understanding of sustainability.

"In addition to building awareness of sustainability, the Maybank Sustainability Week 2024 activity is also a celebration of our achievement in instilling a sustainable lifestyle both in the workplace and in the daily lives of our employees in the community," said Steffano, who was present at the Maybank Global CR Day event.

Likewise, continued Steffano, the implementation of Maybank Global CR Day and Cahaya Kasih 2024 through the 'Negeri in the Clouds' Program is a form of Maybank Indonesia's efforts to be able to create a sustainable positive impact for the people of Indonesia.

"Good literacy not only increases reading, writing and counting skills, but opens up economic opportunities, improves welfare and empowers individuals to actively participate in community development," explained Steffano.

The focus of the literacy program on the Maybank Global CR Day and Cahaya Kasih activities was chosen based on the results of the 2024 National Literacy and Financial Inclusion Survey (SNLIK). The survey revealed that the level of financial literacy in Indonesia has only reached 65.43 percent, while the level of financial inclusion has reached 75.02 percent.

In addition, based on the reading index and the counting index of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2022, Indonesia is ranked 72 out of 79 countries for readability and ranked 73 of the 79 countries for calculated ability. This shows the need for comprehensive efforts to improve literacy and numeracy capabilities, especially among children in Indonesia.

Global CR Day 2024 activities for Maybank Indonesia are held simultaneously at 63 branch offices throughout Indonesia. This literacy-focused activity is also very much in line with the GENERANKAN program, namely the National Financial Smart Movement, which was officially launched by the OJK on August 22, in order to encourage a massive and equitable increase in financial literacy and inclusion throughout Indonesia.

This activity is expected to be able to reach 4,710 children, 500 housewives, 316 elementary schools, and 4,740 teachers, with the support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the Literacy Mobilization Community, the community and Maybankers. This activity is part of the Pillar of Maybank Education Empowerment, which is also an inseparable part of the Maybank Group employee-seeded volunteering program, namely the Light Kasih Program.

This year, the Cahaya Kasih Indonesia Program will involve routine Maybankers visits to various Taman Baca and Elementary School facilities that have been established throughout Indonesia, and will focus on a series of activities with various themes such as digital literacy and financial literacy, health, disaster management, and the environment for children, housewives and teachers.

Through this program, Maybank Indonesia is committed to improving the quality of life and public education. At the global level, Maybank Global CR Day activities were also held simultaneously on Saturday 7 September across the Group's business network involving more than 22,000 employees.

Chief Human Capital Officer of Maybank Group Datuk (Dr) Nora Manaf, said that the 12th Maybank Global CR Day continues to show Maybank Group's commitment to not only changing people's lives for the better but also the environment, in line with Maybank Group's mission in Humanising Financial Services, which the M25+ strategy emphasized.

"As a leading financial institution in the ASEAN region, we continue to work on implementing corporate responsibility initiatives in collaboration. This year, through the theme "Leading the Charge in Sustainability", our social impact program is designed to better address the challenges and needs of the community, led by our employees through the employee volunteer program Cahaya Kasih to be able to consistently address problems in real terms. This program demonstrates our dedication to making differences, and by overcoming critical problems and supporting those in need, we contribute to a fairer and more loving world," he concluded.