OIKN Nego Adds 2025 Budget IDR 27.8 Trillion

The Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) submitted a proposal for an additional budget of IDR 27.8 trillion. The 2025 OIKN budget year ceiling (TA) is IDR 505.5 billion.

Acting (Plt) Deputy Head of the IKN Raja Authority Juli Antoni said, overall, the total budget requirement proposed to finance OIKN activities in 2025 is IDR 28.3 trillion. This means that the shortcomings that need to be met by OIKN reach IDR 27.8 trillion.

"To ensure that there are no overlapping development activities between OIKN and the Ministry of PUPR, we are sharpening the proposed additional budget to Rp27.8 trillion," said Raja Juli at a Joint Working Meeting (Raker) of Commission II of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, September 9.

Raja Juli said that previously OIKN had submitted an additional budget proposal of IDR 29.8 trillion. However, the proposal was not accommodated in the 2025 OIKN budget allocation. Thus, his party again submitted additional proposals with a slight change.

"Initially we proposed an additional budget of Rp29.8 trillion. This proposal was recorded and received approval from members of Commission II of the DPR RI, but this proposal was not accommodated in the 2025 budget allocation set on July 19, 2024. The OIKN budget ceiling has not changed compared to the previous indicative ceiling," he said.

He also detailed the additional allocation of the Rp27.8 trillion budget. The budget comes from the proposed six deputies with details, the Deputy for Planning and Land Affairs Rp788.5 billion and the Deputy for Development Control Rp106.1 billion.

Then, Deputy for Social Culture and Community Empowerment Rp62.5 billion, Deputy for Green Transportation and Digital Affairs Rp37.7 billion, Deputy for Environment and Natural Resources Rp63 billion and finally the biggest proposal from the Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure Rp26.7 trillion.

"In total, the OIKN budget requirement for 2025 is IDR 28.3 trillion, showing details of each deputy. However, specifically the proposed budget from the Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure, which is the most significant of IDR 26.7 trillion, will be used to complement the 2025 development ecosystem," he added.