Rahimandani Shooting Case is Being Brought to International Forum
JAKARTA - The shooting case of the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Cyber Media Network (JMSI), Rahimandani, has now been brought to the international level. The Chairperson of JMSI, Teguh Santosa, explained the case at the Roundtable of International Journalist Organizations in Chongqing, China, on August 30, 2024.
The event was part of the Belt and Road Journalist Forum (BRJF) held by the All China Journalist Association (ACJA). BRJF is the main activity of the Belt and Road Journalist Network (BRJN) which was founded by 30 journalist organizations in the world, including the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) represented by Teguh Santosa when he was still the Chairperson of the PWI Foreign Affairs Division.
Teguh explained that violence against the press, both against journalists and media owners, is still a serious threat. One example is the shooting of Rahimandani on February 3, 2023 in Bengkulu, which has not been revealed until now.
"It's been more than a year, but the police have not been able to identify the perpetrator or the motive for the shooting," said Teguh in his statement in Jakarta, Sunday, September 8.
Rahimandani was shot by two people riding a motorbike while he was on his way to the mosque for Friday prayers. The perpetrators fired from close range, but Rahimandani survived despite being injured in his body and arm. Until now, the police have not been able to solve this case.
Initially, the investigation carried out by the Bengkulu Regional Police seemed enthusiastic, but over time the case stalled. Teguh also expressed his disappointment with the Press Council which did not give serious attention. In fact, one member of the Press Council had said that this case was not violence against the press because Rahimandani was not a journalist working in the field.
"The Press Council promised to expand the definition of violence against the press, including against media owners, but until now there has been no firm action," said Teguh.
Teguh invited the international press community to support the disclosure of this case and will launch a global awareness campaign in the near future.
"We must not let a case like this pass by. Rahimandani is still living in fear because the perpetrator has not been caught and is still on the loose," Teguh stressed.