Supporting Fishermen's Operations, PT Perikanan Indonesia Distribution Of Fishing Boat Fuel

JAKARTA - PT Perikanan Indonesia member of ID FOOD, is committed to continuing to maintain and strive for fishing inclusiveness through the availability of subsidized fuel oil for fishing operations for fishermen in Indonesia.

PT Perikanan Indonesia distributes affordable fuel oil through the Public Fuel Filling Station of fishermen or gas stations located in three company working areas, namely the Nusantara Fisheries Port of Pekalongan, Central Java, the Nusantara Port of Brondong, East Java, and the Nusantara Prigi Fisheries Port. East Java.

President Director of PT Perikanan Indonesia Sigit Muhartono said that he would continue to support the government's program in providing subsidized fuel to fishermen in Indonesia. The reason is, the provision of adequate fuel both in terms of volume and price is very much needed by fishermen for operational needs to go to sea.

"SPBUN PT Perikanan Indonesia in the Pekalongan branch, Brondong branch and Prigi unit are here to facilitate fishermen so that they can easily get fuel at low prices, so that fishermen's productivity and income can increase," he said in an official statement, Friday, September 6.

PT Perikanan Indonesia received a subsidized fuel quota from PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, on the recommendation of the local Fisheries Service, of 1,128 kiloliters per month which must be distributed right on target to fishermen with tonnages of ships below 30 GT.

In detail, he added, PT Perikanan Indonesia supplies 736 kiloliters of fuel per month to fishermen in Brondong through gas station 02 Brondong Lamongan, and as many as 248 kiloliters per month to fishermen in Prigi through the Nusantara Prigi Trenggalek Fishery Port gas station. The fuel quota at PT Perikanan Indonesia, Brondong Branch, is the largest city for subsidized fuel for fishermen throughout East Java.

In addition, PT Perikanan Indonesia also supplies 144 kiloliters of fuel to fishermen in Pekalongan through SPBB Krapyak, Pekalongan.

Sigit added that with the large number of fuel quotas from the government being distributed, it means that many fishermen absorb these fuels for fishing operations. This is considered to have a large multiplier effect on the sustainability of fish food sources in Indonesia.

"We maintain availability so that fishermen do not lack fuel so that fishing is maintained, the source is controlled and the needs of fish in the community are met," he said.

Furthermore, he added, PT Perikanan Indonesia will ask for recommendations from PT Pertamina Patra Niaga and the local Fisheries Service to increase the quota of subsidized fuel for fishermen to avoid scarcity of ship fuel and maintain the fishery ecosystem.

As is known, fish are one of the Government Food Reserves (CPP) regulated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 125 of 2022. The purpose of this CPP is to overcome food shortages, food price fluctuations, natural disasters, social disasters, and emergencies.

In order to provide food throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, it is necessary to fulfill and manage the CPP, which is carried out through the National Food Agency by assigning State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) as operators.

The control and management of government food reserves will be given to State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), in this case Perum Bulog and BUMN Food, including PT Perikanan Indonesia through Food Holding ID FOOD. The assignment is to procure, manage, and distribute strategic food commodities.