Memories Faisal Basri, Sri Mulyani In Tears

JAKARTA - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati visited Faisal Basri's funeral home, while remembering the figure of the senior economist being seen in tears by the state treasurer.

Sri Mulyani said that the figure of Faisal Basri was her close friend since the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia (FE UI) where the deceased entered three years earlier than himself.

"I really know Bang Faisal and I, friends, because he was three years above me at FEUI. He became an assistant lecturer, I then entered LPEM together, then got close to his class after returning from school. He became the head of LPEM I was the head of education at that time, so we had a lot of teamwork, with Mr. Faisal very long long friendship yes and quite good," he said in a shaking voice, at the funeral home, Thursday, September 5.

According to Sri Mulyani, Faisal Basri is an economist who has good intentions to build Indonesia and his love for the nation and state also oversees government policies from outside.

"I know that Bang Faisal has an extraordinary passion and love for Indonesia. He also wants to continue to see Indonesia managed properly, and therefore always convey views whose goal is to improve," he said.

Sri Mulyani said that during her time as a minister, she often heard Faisal Basri's views and so that she always had other views to be able to see an issue or problem so that she could and anticipate it.

Meanwhile, the State Treasurer was seen holding back his tears when he recalled the figure of Faisal Basri, this was seen when he shared his close relationship with Faisal Basri's family and he felt very lost for his passing.

"My family and my wife and children are also close. So I lost, I really lost a very good friend, he", he explained.

According to Sri Mulyani Faisal Basri, he has extraordinary services in maintaining governance at the Ministry of Finance as when he played an expert team at the Money Laundering Crime Task Force at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs during the leadership of Mahfud MD.

"He gave us a lot of input, so we really appreciate it, it really makes us good and is a good reminder, helping to take care of the country to keep warning, especially for our staff, there are always those who observe criticizing and looking at it in detail and carefully for me personally, it's very helpful," he explained.

In addition, Sri Mulyani said that Indonesia needed figures who could replace Faisal Basri as a critical economist whose actions were to make Indonesia better.

"From every country, every time I take care of the economy, people are so big like Indonesia and there is always a need for checks and balances, I think Bang Faisal's view provides a balance for all of us and a reminder. I think I really understand his intentions very, very sincerely and out of his love for Indonesia. So we know that his agenda is one, look at Indonesia well, "he said.

Sri Mulyani said that the figure of Faisal Basri is a figure who has great enthusiasm and love for Indonesia and his criticism always aims to improve Indonesia in the future.

"When I was a Minister, I often heard his views and of course it became one of the most important for us to always improve policies, regulations, ways to see issues or problems," he said.