Senior Economist Faisal Basri Dies Of Heart Attack

JAKARTA - Senior Economist Faisal Basri passed away on Thursday at 03.50 WIB, at Mayapada Hospital, South Jakarta, at the age of 65.

Indef Senior Economist, Tauhid Ahmad, said that the late Faisal Basri had a heart attack two days ago and was hospitalized.

"Her daughter came to the office, and just informed me and some friends, we got information that she had a heart attack two days ago, and was hospitalized, but maybe God willed something else," he explained at the funeral home, Thursday, September 5.

Tauhid said that the late Faisal Basri had problems with heart disease and diabetes.

So that when he works in the office he doesn't forget to bring medicine and so on and maintain a diet.

"Yes, he may also be because of cigarettes, he is happy, because he thinks, and likes to discuss in open spaces, relaxes, with colleagues and we are juniors," he said.

Faisal Basri will be buried this afternoon departing from the Az Zahra Mosque, Bullet Warehouse, Tebet, South Jakarta.