Sources Of The History Of The Perlak Kingdom And The Islamization Of The Archipelago

JAKARTA - The government patent or peureulak sultanate is believed by many historians as the first Islamic state in Aceh. This is based on some evidence. Among them, various relics of written records.

When Perlak was the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago, then what about the Pasai Ocean Kingdom?

Which comes first, the Kingdom of Perlak or Samudra Pasai?

So far, historians have not officially determined Perlak as the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago. However, based on a study entitled Reconstruction of the Conflict Identity of the Peureulak Sultanate, it is explained that the task of historians is to prove it.

Illustration of the Sultanate of Perlak. (Image- Youtube/SULALATUS SALATIN)

The article published in Paramita: Historical Studies Journal explains that the Perlak Kingdom eventually melted down and joined the Samudra Pasai Kingdom.

The kingdom of Perlak was founded in 840 AD, with its first king being Sultan Alaidin Syed Maulana Abdul Aziz Syah. Then, in 1296 AD, the Kingdom of Perlak had to join the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai which was then led by Sultan Malikussaleh.

The cause of the Perlak Kingdom merging with the Pasai Ocean

One of the things that caused the merger of the Perlak Kingdom with the Pasai Ocean was because the last king, Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Ibrahim Syah did not have a male heir.

In addition, the Kingdom of Perlak lost in popularity with the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai. However, further research is needed to determine the collapse of the kingdom.

The origins of the Perlak Kingdom and Islamic Syiar

The name "patent" is derived from the word "Peureulak" which is a region in East Aceh rich wood types Kaye Peureulak (Wood Wood Peureulak or patent).

The popularity of perlak wood makes many immigrants visit the area, so it is called "Negeri Perlak".

The beginning of the Peureulak Sultanate itself was the successor of the pre -existing kingdom -before Islam entered. It is narrated that in ancient times as many as a hundred people from Arabia came to the State of Perlak.

The group was led by a Caliph who aimed to trade as well as spread the teachings of Islam.

Then, one of the ways to spread the teachings of Islam in the State of Perlak is through marriage. Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ja`far Shadiq, who was one of the group married Makhdum Tansyuri.

The couple then gave birth to the first sultan of the Perlak Kingdom named Alaidin Sayyid Maulana Abdul Aziz Syah.

Ali Hasjmy, in his book Sejarah Masuk dan Berkembangnya Islam di Indonesia (1981), mentions that Sultan Alaidin Sayyid changed the name of the Royal Capital of Bandar Peurelak to Bandar Khalifah.

It is intended to honor the entry of the Caliph in the State of Perlak. The Perlak kingdom was then known as a prosperous trading province at the time. This is because the perlak wood produced by the area is very high quality.

Pearl wood was the raw material of shipbuilding in the past. This made traders from the Arabian Peninsula come in large numbers to the State of Perlak.

Many Perlak became a trading city and many Muslim merchants came to make many mixed marriages with locals. And Islam is growing rapidly.

Some historical sources of the Perlak Kingdom

Based on several sources that have been summarized below, it is known that the Kingdom of Perlak once existed and existed in the archipelago.

1. The story of the kings of Pasai

Although initially Samudra Pasai is believed to be the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago. However, the Hikayat Raja-raja Pasai mentions that the first king of the Samudra Pasai Sultanate, Meurah Silu married a daughter of the sultan of Peureulak.

2. Marcopolo's travel notes

The explorer from Venice, Italy, Marcopolo recorded in his voyage records in 1292 AD that he reached the northern part of the island of Sumatra and referred to the area as "Ferlec".

Marcopolo said he met the natives of a small kingdom who had embraced Islam — because they had been treated under Islamic law. Ferlec called Marcopolo is none other than Peureulak or Perlak.

3. Notes from Persia: "Tajul Alam"

Long before the Perlak Kingdom was established, it was believed that the area was visited by many nations, especially Arabs and Persians, who called Peureulak "Tajul Alam".

The Persians are believed to be the first builders of the Peureulak Sultanate, with Meurah Syahri Nuwi as the first king. But there is no strong historical source to underlie the theory.

4. Tajil Alam is called by the Chinese as "Tazi"?

In addition to the Persians, China also alluded to the existence of the Perlak region by the name of Tazi. According to Chinese news in 674 AD, King Tazi sent a messenger to Ka-Ling.

The Chinese source explained that Tazi was a safe country, with a ruler named Queen Sima. A talkative and fair ruler.

However, there are experts who state that the Tazi in question is the territory of the Juempa Sultanate.

5. The Story of Aceh and the tomb of King Perlak

Hikayat Aceh write, Sheikh Abdullah Arif, an Arab scholar, spread Islam in the northern province of Sumatra Island in 1112 AD

The story states that the Peureulak Sultanate had the first sultan named Alauddin Syah, who ruled in 1161–1186 AD. This information differs from previous sources, which mention the Perlak Kingdom was established in 840 AD.

Meanwhile, there are believed to be the tomb of the first emperor, Alaiddin Sayid Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah, who is in a boarding school in Peureulak, East Aceh.

Tomb of King Perlak (Source:

In addition to the historical sources about the existence of the Perlak Kingdom above, there are also coins or currency of the Perlak Kingdom and the stamp of the Perlak Kingdom which is believed to be strong evidence of its existence in the past.

However, some of these sources do not yet have strong validity, so they are not specifically listed in this article.

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