Who Is Toni Tamsil? This Is His Case And Role In The Corruption Of PT Timah

YOGYAKARTA - The public's curiosity about who Toni Tamsil has appeared on social media X (Twitter). This was triggered because Toni Tamsil was only sentenced to 3 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 5,000.

In this context, Toni Tamsil was a defendant who was involved in a corruption case at the company PT Timah Tbk.

Toni is said to be a defendant in the obstruction of justice (perintangan penyidikan) case of alleged corruption in tin trading procedures in the Mining Business Permit (IUP) area of PT Timah Tbk from 2015 to 2022.

Toni Tamsil or who is more familiarly called Akhi is a businessman who was born in Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung. He is known to have tried several businesses, one of which is a grocery store called Toko Mutiara. The shop is located on Kenanga Street, Koba Village, Central Bangka, Bangka Belitung.

Not much information is available about Toni Tamsil on Google. However, he has recently been highlighted a lot because he was involved in a corruption case of PT Timah.

It should be noted that Toni Tamsil is Thamron Tamsil alias Aon's younger brother, an entrepreneur who owns CV Venus Inti Perkasa (VIP) and is a commissioner at PT Menara Cipta Mulia (MCM). The two companies are puppet companies that were deliberately formed to accommodate PT Timah's trading management corruption funds with an alleged flow of more than Rp3.6 trillion.

In the PT Timah corruption case, Toni Tamsil's role is quite important, namely storing evidence of his brother's corruption, Thamron Tamsil. Even Toni is said to have destroyed evidence of his brother's crime when the investigative team was about to investigate the case.

During a search of Toni's house, the investigative team found a number of documents belonging to PT VIP and PT MCM stored in Toni's car. The document contains Aon's involvement in the corruption case.

Investigators then asked Toni to give his cellphone to be confiscated as evidence. However, Toni said that his cellphone was damaged when he was in his partner. However, based on the investigation, the cellphone was deliberately damaged by Toni so that the evidence was lost. It is suspected that Aon and Toni's conversations were stored on the cellphone to avoid investigators.

For this action, Toni was later named one of the suspects in the corruption case of trading governance in the PT Timah Tbk IUP area.

Based on information on the Case Tracking Information System (SIPP) page of the Pangkalpinang District Court, Toni Tamsil was sentenced to 3 years in prison. In addition, he was also charged with paying a court fee of Rp5,000.

Toni Tamsil's sentence was lighter than the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) who requested that Toni be sentenced to three years and six months in prison, and a fine of Rp. 200 thousand, provided that if the fine was not paid, Toni would have to serve 3 months in prison.

That's information regarding who Toni Tamsil is. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.