Deputy Minister Of Communication And Information Nezar Calls PP Derivative Of The PDP Law Will Be Completed In Early October

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, targets government regulations (PP) as a derivative rule of Law (UU) Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection (PDP) to be completed in early October 2024.

Nezar added that until now the PP preparation process regarding PDP has been running 90 percent. Kominfo also continues to conduct final consultations before the PP is officially passed.

"The target is that our target in early October is at least the PP has been completed," said Nezar at the VIDA Executive Summit & Media Lunch which took place on Tuesday, September 3 in Jakarta.

Not only that, Nezar also mentioned another crucial thing from the PDP Law, namely the formation of its supervisor. Nevertheless, he mentioned that there is a potential for this PDP supervisory body not to be under the auspices of Kominfo.

"One of the most crucial is this PDP supervisory body, we are still discussing this, but we tend this supervisory agency not to be under Kominfo, but directly under the President," added Nezar.

Meanwhile, Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection (UU PDP) will be effective in October 2024. The application of the PDP Law is also one of the basis for regulations that are in line with the implementation of government policies related to Digital Population Identity (IKD).