North Sumatra Governor Edy Talks About The Makassar Bombing: This Is Why God Hasn't Taken COVID, Because There Are Still Despotic People

MEDAN - North Sumatra Governor (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi responded to the suicide bombing at the Cathedral church, Makassar, South Sulawesi. Edy is concerned that there are still despotic people.

"This is why God has not taken COVID from this world because we still have envious and despotic people who are not kind to others", said Governor Edy after a prayer with religious leaders in Medan, Monday, March 29.

Governor Edy emphasized that there is nothing in any religious teachings that allows someone to act to hurt another person.

"Whatever the religion is, it certainly does not allow hurting others", he said.

Edy Rahmayadi hopes that the people of North Sumatra will remain vigilant and careful. Governor Edy emphasized that the act of terror was a common enemy.

"For that, we remain careful, bombing, terrorism, those are our common enemy", he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding Ramadan, Governor Edy asked residents to comply with health protocols when praying at mosques.

"We cannot close down places of worship, but in worship, we must enforce health protocols. There are religious leaders here, I remind you all, the best medicine today is health protocols", he said.

Edy does not agree with the option of closing places of worship to stop the spread of COVID-19. To Muslims, Governor Edy reminded them to adjust the distance when performing tarawih prayer.

"I can't and I don't agree to close the place of worship, but worship must be followed by health protocols. Muslims who will perform tarawih, keep your distance", said Edy Rahmayadi.

Previously, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said there were two suicide bombers at the Cathedral Church, Makassar, South Sulawesi.

"The perpetrators who died were 2, a man and a woman", said the National Police Chief while surveying the location with the National Army (TNI) Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Sunday, March 28.

The perpetrator of the suicide bombing was a male with the initials L. While the female perpetrator is still being identified.

"The perpetrator was part of the JAD group that had carried out the bombing in Jolo Philippines", said Sigit.

The National Police Chief asked the public to be calm and not panic after the suicide bombing terror. People are asked to do activities as usual.

"We, the National Army and the National Police Force (TNI-Polri) will provide security and comfort to the community", he said.