Boccia Makes History At The 2024 Paralympics

JAKARTA Boccia's sport has succeeded in making history for Indonesia at the Paris 2024 Paralympics with two bronze medals.

The two bronze medals were contributed by athletes Gischa Zayana (women's BC2 individual number) and Muhammad Afrizal Syafa, respectively.

Gischa got bronze after beating the representative of the United Kingdom, Claire Taggart, with a score of 5-2 at the South Paris Arena 1, Sunday, September 1, 2024.

The success of Gischa Zayana was a big surprise considering that the 2024 Paralympics became his first major multi-event as a boccia athlete.

"I'm very happy, very grateful, I didn't think I could get this bronze medal. This victory was helped by Allah SWT," said Gischa in the statement.

He continued his success thanks to heeding his mother's message before flying to Paris. The message succeeded in strengthening the mentality of competing Gischa Zayana.

"Mesan dari mama, lakukan yang terbaik dan berharap-ber Praya terus saja. Mama juga selalu berharain terus," kata dia.

Argya Setya Wimala as the boccia coaching team who accompanied Gischa Zayana revealed that the coaching team was grateful when four Boccia athletes were able to penetrate the 2024 Paralympics.

"To qualify for Paris alone, I am grateful because the struggle for the last three years to catch Paralympic points has been very draining and time. We have passed extraordinary, especially getting a bronze medal, which is extraordinary," said Argya.

Meanwhile, Afrizal Syafa got bronze Ussi to stop world number one boccia athlete, David Smith. He was 0-3 behind in the first half before successfully turning things around by winning five points in the next three rounds.

Afrizal Syafa said that the key to successfully defeating the United Kingdom representative was due to the great motivation given by the people around him during the preparation and match.

"This is all thanks to the direction of the coaches and the support of my friends who can strengthen me. Thank God I was able to get a bronze medal," said Afrizal Syafa.

The meeting with David Smith is not the first time this has happened. Afrizal also faced David Smith at a single event in Brazil.

"Alhamdulillah, when in Brazil also won. I present this bronze medal to the state and parents," said Afrizal.

Gischa Zayana and Muhammad Afrizal Syafa still have the potential to present medals again for the Indonesian contingent. Gischa and Afrizal together with Felix Ardi Yudha will compete in the BC1/BC2 team number on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.