Monday Afternoon The Jakarta KPU Will Receive The Results Of The Three Paslon Pilgub Health Tests
JAKARTA - Tarakan Hospital will submit the results of the medical examination of three pairs of candidates for governor and deputy governor (readgub-readawagub) in the Jakarta Governor and Deputy Governor Election (Pilgub) to the Jakarta Provincial KPU office on Monday 2 September at 15.00 WIB.
"God willing, we will accept it tomorrow, September 2 (Monday). We will receive it at 15.00 WIB," said Jakarta KPU chairman Wahyu Dinata at a press conference at Tarakan Hospital, Jakarta, Sunday, September 1.
According to him, the Jakarta Provincial KPU did not make any special preparations on Monday because it only received the results of a medical test from the Tarakan Hospital. After that, his party will review the overall assessment of the requirements for reading the Jakarta governors and governors.
In the legislation, it is explained that the requirements for candidacy, one of which must be able to be physically, mentally, and free from narcotics abuse.
The stages of health checks are regulated in KPU Decree Number 1090 of 2024 concerning Technical Guidelines for Health Examination in the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, as well as Mayors and Deputy Mayors of 2024.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Technical Division of the Jakarta KPU Organizers, Dody Wijaya, added that the results of the examination will later become a unit.
Later, he continued, if it is found that there are health results from reading the governors who do not meet the requirements, all will return to referring to the KPU regulations. Then, his party also strives for the health examination team so that the results can be in line with expectations.
"Of course we are waiting and believing that the work of the health examination team works professionally, in accordance with the medical code of ethics and objectivity," he said.
President Director of Tarakan Hospital Dian Ekowati said that in the results of the examination, it was decided that the status would meet (fit) and did not meet the requirements (unfit).
He explained that the health checks carried out by the governors and governors included psychiatric examinations, physical examinations, supporting examinations, and medical history being analyzed.
"If everything fulfills it will be fit, but if it does not fulfill its status it becomes unfit," he said.
The Jakarta Provincial KPU involved the Tarakan Hospital, the Jakarta Provincial BNN and the Jakarta Provincial Health Laboratory (Labkesda) in the reading of the governor-readwagub health examination.
The examination of three couples reading the Jakarta governor-readwagub, namely Pramono Anung-Rano Karno on Friday 30 August. Then, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono underwent on Saturday 31 August and Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana on Sunday September.