Reluctant To Enter Political Parties, Anies: Which Party Is Now Uninstalled By Power?

JAKARTA - Anies Baswedan admitted that he found it difficult to join the current political party cadres (political parties). Although, you could say that one of the obstacles is to advance in the regional elections because he is reluctant to enter political parties.

Anies doubts, if he enters a political party, his political steps could be held hostage by the ruling parties. Thus, Anies is threatened with not being free in expressing his political rights.

"Look, if you enter the party, the question is which party is now not held hostage by power? Let alone enter, nominating is threatened. It's a bit risky for those who propose it. So, this is a reality," said Anies in a video caption, Friday, August 30.

On the one hand, Anies opened the opportunity to establish a new political party. He admitted that this was based on the proposal of a number of parties to him. Anies will still consider whether to form a political party or only a community organization (ormas).

"If to gather all the spirit of change that is now getting bigger and bigger, and it becomes a strength, it is necessary to become a movement, then build a mass organization or build a new party, maybe that's the way we will take. We will see together in the future," said Anies.

Anies asked all parties to wait for a decision regarding the option of establishing a party whose role is to become a forum for healthier democracy drivers, as well as politics that prioritizes ideas.

"Hopefully we won't be able to realize concrete steps to accommodate the movement, which is now getting bigger day by day," he said.

The dynamics of candidacy in the 2024 Pilkada appear to be up and down, especially before the end of the registration period for the regional head candidate pair.

The opportunity for Anies to advance was carried by the PDI-P (PDIP) in the Jakarta gubernatorial election after being left behind by NasDem, PKB, and PKS, did not bear fruit. PDIP nominated its cadre, Pramono Anung-Rano Karno, who registered with the DKI Jakarta KPU on Wednesday, August 28.

Later, PDIP offered Anies to run for the West Java (Jabar) gubernatorial election, after canceling his upload in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. The West Java PDIP Regional Leadership Council (DPD) revealed that Anies would be paired by Ono Surono.

There were also rumors that Anies had left for Bandung, West Java to register with PDIP. Then, two hours before the registration period closed, Anies, through his spokesman, announced that he would cancel running for the West Java Pilkada. Until the closing of the registration period, Anies turned out to be still in Jakarta.

Anies admitted that he did not take the opportunity to become a candidate for Governor of West Java because previously he did not get the aspirations of the community to lead other than Jakarta.