This Is Pupuk Indonesia's Step To Invite The Young Generation To Become Farmers

JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Indonesia has a number of steps to attract the interest of the younger generation to become farmers in the modern era.

Based on BPS data in 2023, it was stated that the contribution of young farmers decreased drastically with a total of 29 million in 2023 from the previous 31 million farmers.

President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) Rahmad Pribadi said that his party has the Let's Advance People's Business (Makmur) program as a solution to attract young farmers and increase agricultural productivity and the welfare of farmers.

Rahmad said, there are factors that influence young people to be reluctant to become farmers, including the lack of access to technology, limited access to markets, to the issue of farmers' welfare.

"With a prosperous program, agricultural products are 13 to 18 percent, which depend on the commodities and the welfare of farmers can increase by 30 percent. We use technology, usually young farmers also take part," said Rahmad at the 2024 Svarna Bhumi Press Conference in Jakarta, quoted Friday, August 30.

Another step that was taken, explained Rahmad, was to hold a Jambore Makmur which was carried out every year and involved thousands of farmers to share experiences with each other. Not only farmers, this activity also collaborates with stakeholders to share knowledge and use technology in agricultural cultivation.

"With this, they can earn better income by talking with fellow farmers and with stakeholders. I think a good approach is to improve the welfare of farmers," he continued.

Through this program, Rahmad ensured that Pupuk Indonesia etlah helped 107,642 farmers or 108 percent of the target of 100,000 farmers by 2023. It did not stop there, this program also succeeded in achieving the target of land expansion of 358,885 hectares.

The last step that Pupuk Indonesia took was to appreciate heroes in the food sector who made innovations in agriculture through the Svarna Bhumi Award.

Awards are given to them, the fighters who have contributed to the Indonesian people in the food sector.

This award ceremony also collaborated with Kick Andy to support farmer regeneration which aims to increase farmer productivity as a support for national food security.

"We appreciate their work and show their innovation in order to provide inspiration and enthusiasm for other farmers. This is in accordance with the mandate of Pupuk Indonesia to maintain national food security," he concluded.