Hanwha Life Launches The Latest Unit Link Product

JAKARTA - South Korean life insurance company Hanwha Life launched a new unit link product for Hanwha Optimal Protection (HOPE) with investment benefits and protection until the age of 99 years.

In his statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 29, Hanwha Life Indonesia CEO Steven Namkoong explained that HOPE has an age reach for policyholders ranging from 18 years and being responsible for starting from 30 days to 70 years.

The basic premiums offered start from IDR 500 thousand and the top-up premium starts at IDR 100,000 per month.

He said HOPE products have seven benefits that can be felt on account, with four of them being investment benefits and the other focusing on protection.

One of the benefits of investment is the preparation of pension funds or a larger legacy through the benefits of policy redeemation and the end of coverage with a balance bonus of up to 25 percent.

Then, the benefits of freedom in choosing an investment strategy according to the risk profile with 6 choices of Funds, the flexibility to increase policy value at any time through a single top-up premium facility, and a 100 percent loyalty bonus from the first year's periodic basic premium.

While the benefits of protection include protection against the risk of death to the age of 99, bonuses for life protection against accidents at no additional cost to be borne and policyholders or beneficiaries, as well as options for adding a variety of additional insurances such as the Hanwha Health Protection rider for health protection.

He added that the Indonesian people need to be more critical and observant in reading and learning the benefits and risks of a financial product.

"Remember, the best insurance products are according to your needs, abilities, and are able to realize your hopes," he said.

PT Hanwha Life Insurance Indonesia has been licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) since October 24, 2013. In July 2024, Hanwha Life had total assets of IDR 2.14 trillion and a solvency level (RBC) of 1.047.17 percent and had paid claims and benefits to customers of IDR 91.42 billion.