Former Russian Deputy Minister Of Defense Entangled In Corruption, Patriot Park Building Materials Were Even Taken To His House

JAKARTA - The Russian Investigative Committee is now investigating the embezzlement case of Pavel Popov, the former deputy defense minister, in a series of recent corruption investigations.
The case against Popov, who has been in office since 2013, is the third investigation into senior defense officials linked to the construction of military amusement parks.
Major General Vladimir Shesterov and Vyacheslav Akhmedov, directors of Patriot Park near Moscow, were detained earlier this month on suspicion of embezzlement.
"Popov, who is responsible for Patriot Park's development, maintenance and operation, enriches itself at the expense of this place," the Investigative Committee said.
Patriot Park, the main tourist attraction, showcased many collections of Russian and Soviet weapons and offered visitors the opportunity to ride tanks and take part in combat simulations.
Investigators say Popov, starting in 2021, has transferred various building materials from Patriot Park to his own home for installation work.
Several properties belonging to Popov and his family members, worth more than 500 million rubles (USD 5.47 million), are being investigated as part of the embezzlement investigation, investigators said.
Popov joins dozens of officials who, since April, have been entangled in the wave of the biggest corruption scandals that have hit the Russian military and defense agencies in recent years.
In May, President Vladimir Putin unexpectedly removed defense minister Sergei Shoigu, who has long served and replaced him with economist Andrei Belousov.
This decision is seen as a step to ensure stricter management of Russia's large defense budget and eliminate waste and corruption.
Popov, 67, graduated from a military academy and served 17 years at the Russian Ministry of Emergency. Shoigu, who is now the secretary of Russia's security council, is the head of the ministry from 1991 to 2012.