Pertamina Patra Niaga Ensures Pertalite Distribution Is In Accordance With Government Quota

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga ensures the availability of Pertalite type fuel oil (BBM) throughout Indonesia is in accordance with the quota provided by the government.

Pertamina Patra Niaga Corporate Secretary Heppy Wulansari explained that his party continues to carry out its commitment to providing Pertalite in accordance with the quota and selling service points set by BPH Migas.

This is part of the government's assignment to ensure that people's energy needs are met.

"Pertalite is one of the subsidized fuels, so the regulation by the regulator is intended so that subsidized fuel can be right on target, including setting points for gas stations selling subsidized fuel by BPH Migas by taking into account considerations of public transportation routes, not located in medium and upper residential areas, outside industrial areas. It is hoped that with this effort, subsidized fuel distributed can be more targeted," explained Heppy, Thursday, August 29.

Heppy emphasized that Pertamina Patra Niaga also continues to strive to support the right subsidy efforts by registering subsidy fuel users through the QR Code registration.

"We (Pertamina Patra Niaga) invite the entire community to be wise in using subsidized fuel and helping the government identify who the subsidized fuel users are from using the QR code as a condition for using Pertalite fuel," said Heppy.

In order for the distribution of controlled Pertalite, Pertamina Patra Niaga serves Pertalite filling through a QR Code for vehicles that have registered and recorded vehicle registration numbers for users who have not registered for the right subsidy.

"We continue to intensify the registration of subsidies in Pertalite in wave 1 areas, namely Java, Madura, Bali (Jamali) and parts of non-Jamali areas, namely Riau Islands, NTT, Maluku, North Maluku, Gorontalo, North Kalimantan and East Kalimantan," concluded Heppy.