Jokowi Opens His Voice Regarding The Meaning Of 'Being Left Behind Crowded,' It Turns Out...
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo explained that his statement "came busy and was left busy" while attending the opening of the III Congress of the NasDem Party."Look, so it came in a crowd, right. The trip was also crowded," said Jokowi on the sidelines of a working visit in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Antara, Thursday, August 29.Jokowi explained that the purpose of the statement was related to the mutual cooperation of the entire community which was very much needed."Don't be happy when there are crowds, but once there are many problems, it's not crowded anymore. Everything should work together, work together, find a solution together," he said.Previously, while attending the III Congress of the NasDem Party in Jakarta, a few days ago, President Jokowi in his speech said that he really appreciated the great spirit of the General Chairperson of NasDem Surya Paloh and the NasDem Party who continued to fully support and fully oversee the sustainability of government development policies and sustainability.
Jokowi then issued a statement about being left behind in a crowd. "Usually it comes in a crowd, lastly when I was about to leave, I was left in a crowd. But, I'm sure it's not with Surya Paloh, not with Bang Surya, and not also with NasDem," he said.