Bomb Explosion At Makassar Cathedral, There Are Identified Body Pieces Now

JAKARTA - The bomb explosion at the Makassar Cathedral church caused casualties. There are pieces of the body at the site of the suspected suicide bombing.

"There are pieces of the body, is this the perpetrator or someone around," said Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Grand Commissioner E. Zulfan, as quoted by Kompas TV, Sunday, March 28.

But the police have not been able to confirm the number of victims who died as a result of the bomb explosion in Makassar which occurred at around 10:28 central Indonesia time. As for the injured victims, there is no definite data yet.

"Taken to the nearest hospital," said Zulfan about the injured victims.

Currently, the Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) team is already on the scene scanning the location of the bomb explosion at the Makassar Cathedral church.