Regarding The Budget For The Official House, Deputy Chairperson Of The Riau DPRD: All Accusations Are Not True

PEKANBARU - Deputy Chairperson of the Riau Provincial DPRD, Agung Nugroho, emphasized that he never knew about the corruption of the Fictitious SPPD (Office Travel Order) and the official house budget. Agung also said that he did not know how the process of making fictitious SPPD and budget facilities for official houses was provided by the Riau Provincial DPRD Council Secretariat.

"I emphasize that I never know anything about the manufacture of the Fictitious SPPD. Because I never ordered and made it," said Agung at the Riau Police Headquarters, Tuesday, August 27.

Agung also explained that he and all the leaders of the Riau Provincial DPRD did not know anything about the budget for the official house that Muflihun accused him of. The reason is, according to him, the official house budget is actually under the authority of the management of the General Head of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) Riau Province.

The budget for official housing facilities received by the Provincial DPRD leadership is managed by the Head of the General and Budget Users Division (Muflihun). The leaders of the Riau Provincial DPRD (including me) cannot interfere and can only occupy (the official residence)," he said.

"I have never received anything. I don't know and know anyone with a contractor who repaires a house. This is because I and the leadership of the Riau Provincial DPRD (at that time) only wanted to enter the official residence," he continued.

Moreover, for Agung, the official house that was just about to be occupied yesterday was not feasible and had a leak here and there. So it is necessary to carry out renovations before he can be occupied by himself and other leaders of the Riau Provincial DPRD.

Agung believes that the summons and clarifications made by the Riau Police are sufficient because everything has been explained properly. The Pekanbaru Mayor candidate even thinks that the public understands that all the bad news related to him is slander.

"I only got one point to clarify (Riau Police), about what was accepted to be a member of the council or the leadership of the DPRD. I only received office facilities, rooms, official cars and official houses. At that time (renovation) was carried out, I had not yet entered (entered the official residence)," said Agung.

"I hope that my clarification at the Riau Police regarding this issue has been resolved. I also hope that all the bad news that is circulating and involving me can be understood as a form of slander that is as bad as possible," he said.

As is known, Deputy Chairperson of the Riau DPRD Agung Nugroho fulfilled the investigator's summons to clarify his name mentioned in the alleged fictitious official travel corruption (SPPD) at the Riau DPRD Secretariat 2020-2021. Agung Nugroho cooperatively fulfilled the investigator's summons for questioning as a witness at the Riau Police, on Tuesday (27/8) afternoon.

"I clarify all the news ( Accusations) that have been confusing. There are said to have received Rp. 17 billion, there are 30 people related to the salaries of fictitious honorariums with details of Rp. 45 million per month. I emphasize that all of that is not true," he said.

Agung also said that he came to the Riau Police because his name was mentioned by the former Acting Secretary of the Riau Provincial DPRD, Muflihun, who accused him of receiving the official house budget.