Student And Police Clashes In Semarang: Central Java Police Claims Action Taken According To Procedures

SEMARANG The Central Java Regional Police emphasized that the steps taken by the police in dealing with demonstrators in front of the Semarang City Hall Office were in accordance with applicable procedures and regulations.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol Artanto, on Wednesday, August 28, said that the demonstration that took place on Monday, August 26, 2024, was initially peaceful. However, the situation changed drastically when the masses began to provoke officers by pushing and throwing officers with hard objects.

The mass of action, according to Artanto, became increasingly anarchic by tearing down the fence in front of the main gate of the Semarang City Hall. Towards evening, at around 18.10 WIB, the masses became increasingly anarchic, they threw stones, wood and other hard objects at the officers.

To avoid more dangerous escalation, police officers took decisive steps by pushing the crowd away from the location using water cannon and tear gas.

Artanto explained that the decisive action taken by the police officers had gone through the stages stipulated in the National Police Chief Regulation Number 1 of 2009 concerning the Use of Police Force and Action.

Each step taken is based on careful consideration, with the main goal of maintaining public safety and returning the situation to a safe condition.

"Before taking firm action, we have made various efforts to defuse the situation. Starting from negotiations and various verbal orders not to take anarchic actions, to the use of empty-handed control when the masses try to break into the city hall. However, when mass action is increasingly dangerous, we must take action according to procedures to dispel the anarchist mass," said Kombes Artanto in a written statement, Wednesday, August 28.

He also emphasized that the use of water cannon and tear gas is based on the principle of necessity, namely the use of force is only carried out if necessary and unavoidable based on the situation faced.

We understand very well that when the situation on the ground is dangerous, we have to protect the safety of all parties. The use of water cannon and tear gas is a step taken to prevent worse things from happening. Everything is done with careful consideration and in accordance with the principles of necessity, namely only when the situation is coercive and based on various considerations," he said

The effects of tear gas for those who are not used to it can indeed cause the eyes and nose to feel uncomfortable. However, this impact is temporary. We understand that the wind that brings tear gas can hit anyone, and this is something that is not desirable. We always try to minimize those impacts to maintain mutual safety."

The Central Java Regional Police ensured that the actions taken were to protect the safety of all parties involved.

"Every step we take is based on our sincere intention to protect the safety of all parties. By following the procedures that have been established, we ensure that our actions are for the common good, maintaining security and public order." concluded Artanto.