Fictitious SPPD Case, Police Examine Riau DPRD Leader
PeKANBARU - Investigators from the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Riau Regional Police summoned the leadership of the Riau Provincial DPRD regarding the alleged fictitious Official Travel Order (SPPD) to clarify the statement of the Secretary of the Council that had been previously examined.
The Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Riau Police, Kombes Nasriadi, said that one of the legislative leaders who had been questioned was the Chairman of the Riau DPRD, Yulisman.
Previously, the Secretary of the Riau DPRD, Muflihun, in the previous inspection process stated that he had given a sum of money to Yulisman for car installment fees and so on.
"When confirmed to the person concerned, he stated that when he was chairman of the DPRD he did not have an official car, so the car was rented. The money was to pay for the car rental," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 27.
However, continued Kombes Nasriadi, investigators certainly did not just believe it. His party also confirmed the rental of related cars, checking related evidence and others.
"This means that investigators don't just believe it. We have to confirm, is the statement true, is it related to this case," he continued.
Not only the chairman, the Direskrimsus will also examine the Deputy Chairperson of the Riau Provincial DPRD, Agung Nugroho, for questioning on Tuesday (27/8) afternoon. Agung will also be confirmed regarding Muflihun's statement who is also a former Pekanbaru Mayor in the previous examination process.
"We will confirm regarding Muflihun's statement regarding the money given for house renovations and so on," he explained.