Young Golkar Cadres Report The Spreader Of Bahlil Photos With Alcohol To The Police
JAKARTA - Young Golkar Party cadres report the photo spreader describing the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party Bahlil Lahadalia with a liquor bottle (alcohol) next to him, to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police. "We ask the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police to investigate deeply who spread the photo and where the photo was found," said Golkar Party Youth Cadre Coordinator Lisman Hasibuan at the Bareskrim Polri building, Jakarta, Monday, August 27. He suspects that the photo spreader deliberately photographed liquor in the photo to make stigma not good against Bahlil. His party also suspects that there are internal elements and internal groups who deliberately sponsor to viralize the photo... Not necessarily Mr. Bahlil who drank it. It could be that he again had someone. Maybe he was able to take a call, finally could be photographed or framed in that momentum, "he said. The criminal action they suspected to the photo propagator was accusations of defamation and unpleasant acts. While the evidence they submitted was several social media links that spread the photo. Through the submitted report, the Golkar Youth Cadre hopes that Bareskrim can immediately find who the culprit is and thoroughly investigate this problem.
"The indication is that there are parties from the internal as well as those who do not want the solidarity of the Golkar Party to be solid and do not want the Golkar Party to be big and want to damage the good name of the elected chairman of the Golkar Party, namely Pak Bahlil. That's what we regret, and we ask Bareskrim to thoroughly investigate this problem," he said. in the photo, he looks relaxed while calling someone.