Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Still Detained By French Police For Interrogation
JAKARTA - Russian-born billionaire and Telegram owner Pavel Durov is still being held for questioning by French police.
"The police detention continues on Monday, and may last up to four days," local news channel Franceinfo reported.
The Paris prosecutor's office did not immediately return a request for a Reuters response. Meanwhile, French authorities have not confirmed Durov's arrest.
Police sources told Reuters Telegram CEO Durov was arrested at the weekend at a special airport private jet near Paris. Cybersecurity Gendarmerie units and national anti-fraud police units lead the investigation.
CEO Telegram Pavel Durov hides nothing and travels frequently in Europe," Telegram said in a statement on Sunday.
"It makes no sense to claim that a platform or its owner is responsible for the abuse of the platform," continued Telegram's statement.