SBSN SR021 Officially Launched, Become An Alternative Passive Income That Gives Fixed And Stable Results

JAKARTA - The government has officially issued the latest State Sharia Securities (SBSN) Sukuk Retail series SR021 with the offering period taking place on 23 August-18 September 2024.
SR021 is issued in two types of products, namely SR021-T3 with a three-year tenor and a fixed rate of 6.35 percent per year and SR021-T5 with a tenor of five years and a fixed yield of 6.45 percent per year. SR021 yields (coupons) will be paid every month until due. The first coupon distribution will be carried out on November 10, 2024.
SR021 is also a type of State Securities (SBN) that can be traded in the secondary market (tradeable) before it matures. SR021 can be traded starting November 11, 2024 after receiving the first coupon.
In the midst of the volatile world economy and the rising state of Indonesia's economy, SR021 investment is a safe and wise choice because the yield remains stable until due. Head of Marketing, Angie Anandita Tjhatra, conveyed several reasons why people need to invest in SR021 in Bibit.
First, in terms of security and investment stability, SR021 is a state bond issued by the government and guaranteed by law. The state guarantees 100 percent investment principal and investment returns as promised, which is 6.35 percent per year for the next three years for SR021-T3 and 6.45 percent per year for the next five years for SR021-T5.
This means that SR021 can be an alternative passive income that will provide fixed and stable yields every month, even though economic conditions have fluctuated.
"In addition, SR021 provides a higher return than the average BUMN bank deposit, but with a lower tax. The tax imposed on SR021 is only 10 percent, in contrast to deposits subject to 20 percent tax," said Angie, Monday, August 26.
Second, SR021 is a sharia investment product supervised by the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI). Angie believes that the public's high interest in Islamic investment products will have a positive impact and make SR021 best-selling on the market.
"As a reference, in the sale of the SR020 Retail Sukuk series on March 1-27, 2024, Bibit became the Partner Distribution of the Fintech Category which recorded the most national sales. This is the basis of our belief that SR021 will also be in great demand by the public," he added.
Third, the range of 23 August-18 September 2024 is the right moment to get a high SBN yield, before the Bank Indonesia interest rate is predicted to fall. This is given market expectations that the American central bank (The Fed) will lower interest rates in September 2024.
Fourth, Bibit is a credible SBN sales Distribution Partner and gains the trust of investors in Indonesia. Bibit was named by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance as the Best Retail SBSN Distribution Partners in 2022 and 2023, Best State Securities Distribution Partners in 2022, and Best State Securities Distribution Partners in 2023 Fintech Category.
Fifth, investors who bought SR021 in Bibit also had the opportunity to get cashback, starting from Rp. 50,000, Rp. 75 thousand, Rp. 100,000, Rp. 300 thousand, Rp. 500 thousand, Rp. 2 million, Rp. 4 million, Rp. 6 million, Rp. 8 million, Rp. 15 million to Rp. 30 million.
Finally, to invest in SR021 in Bibit, the method is very easy. Investors simply click on an icon or a 'SParaCE Securities' banner on the application homepage or Bibit website. In this case, Bibit partners with Stockbit Sekuritas to manage the recording and storage of investor-owned SBN Investor Fund Accounts.
Later, after investors make payments for SBN transactions, investors will receive transaction evidence in the form of State Revenue Evidence (BPN). In BPN, there is a State Revenue Certificate Number (NTPN) issued directly by the state and is proof of the ownership of the SBN purchased.
"On the other hand, ownership of all investment products in Bibit is recorded in the Central Securities of Indonesia (KSEI) Depository on behalf of its own investors. That way, we ensure transparency and investment security for all investors," concluded Angie.