This Is The Reason Netizens Refuse Lucky Hakim To Advance Back In The Indramayu Pilkada

Lucky Hakim, the actor who previously resigned from the position of Deputy Regent of Indramayu, has again become the subject of public discussion because of the planned nomination in the upcoming Indramayu Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

This plan also drew strong reactions from netizens who rejected their candidacy on the grounds of not being trusted. Many netizens considered this step inappropriate, given his retirement history which was considered an irresponsible act.

"If people can't maintain trust, it's hard to believe anymore," tweeted the @kuyata*** account in the X application.

On social media, this is being discussed. Many netizens expressed their disappointment with Lucky Hakim, given his previous experience when he left his position in the middle of the road.

"If it's a mandate, it's impossible to step down when given a mandate," wrote the account @anaksi****.

Warganet also questioned Lucky Hakim's commitment and integrity in leading the region if re-elected.

Some even suggested that people be wiser in choosing leaders who really want to work for the benefit of the people, not just seeking popularity.

They emphasized the importance of choosing a trustworthy and consistent leader in carrying out his duties, especially in areas that require significant changes such as Indramayu.

"Not a few of the Indramayu people refuse to choose Lucky Hakim as regent. Because during his time as deputy regent, Lucky Hakim has not done any real work for the advancement of Indramayu Regency," wrote the account @mohak****.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of Cakra Network Consultant (CNC) Totok Santoso also followed in highlighting the issue of Lucky Hakim which continues to cause controversy.

According to him, when he was Deputy Regent of Indramayu, Lucky Hakim was proven unable to carry out the mandate because he was resigning in the middle of the road. The reason Lucky Hakim conveyed in his resignation letter was because he felt unable to carry out the mandate as Deputy Regent of Indramayu.

According to Totok, this reflects the lack of Lucky Hakim's commitment and responsibility in holding the public mandate which makes Indramayu residents disappointed and feel betrayed.

"Lucky Hakim is aware that he is unable to carry out his mandate as a public official but still insists on becoming an official. Don't disappoint the residents for the second time," he said when confirmed, Sunday, October 25.