West Java Transportation Agency Adjusts Online Transport Rates In The Range Of IDR 2,600-IDR 5,000 Per Kilometer
JAKARTA - The West Java Province Transportation Service (Dishub) has set a new tariff adjustment for network-based transportation (online) in the range of Rp2,600 to Rp5,000 per kilometer (km) depending on the type of mode.
In the Regulation of the Director General of Land Transportation, said Head of the West Java Transportation Agency Koswara, the tariff for special rental transportation in the first region is Sumatra, Java and Bali at IDR 6,000/km, the upper limit tariff and IDR 3,500/km for lower limit rates, while for two wheels, an upper limit of IDR 2,750 and a lower limit of IDR 2,000.
"This is based on a proposal from a special rental transportation (ASK) that becomes an online driver partner. They ask for the tariff they use, the tariff is Rp. 5,000. So, it is still in the corridor of the upper limit of the Perdirjen," he said, quoted from Antara, Saturday, August 24.
Previously, he said, the tariff depended on the provider's applicator, between Rp. 3,500-Rp. 6,000, for four wheels.
"This is what ASK did not agree with, they said that those who used the lower rates could no longer cover their lives, these online drivers," he said.
For two wheels, it was adjusted to Rp2,600/km, while previously it was Rp2,000/km.
"So, we adjust it according to the aspirations of the drivers, if the tariff uses reference in accordance with the director general, it is no longer a new rule," he said.
Koswara also emphasized that his party did not set new tariffs, but made adjustments according to the regulations of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Land Transportation.
"So, it is not a new tariff determination. But the tariff is what the reference uses from the Regulation of the Director General of Land Transportation, in which there is a lower limit upper limit tariff for special rental transportation," he said.
The tariff adjustment letter for transportation based on this application, he said, had been issued on Friday, August 23.
"Yesterday the letter was issued, please adjust the application. This applies to all of West Java," he said.