PAN Submits Support Letter To Bustami Hamzah As Candidate For Governor Of Aceh

Acting Governor of Aceh, Bustami Hamzah has just resigned from his position as Acting Governor of Aceh and has been replaced by Director General of Adwil of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Safrizal. Bustami resigned because he wanted to fight in the 2024 Aceh Pilkada.

Following his resignation, the National Mandate Party (PAN) DPP officially provided a letter of support to the former Acting Governor of Aceh, Bustami Hamzah to run as a candidate for Governor of Aceh in the 2024 Pilkada.

"That's right, the decree was handed over directly by Ketum Zulkifli Hasan to Bustami and Tu Sop," said Secretary of the PAN Aceh DPW, Irpannusir, in Banda Aceh, Friday, August 23.

Irpannusir said the reason Zulkifli Hasan gave support to Bustami was because he had chosen a candidate for deputy from among the ulama, namely Tgk Muhammad Yusuf bin Abdul Wahab alias Tu Sop Jeunieb.

"According to Mr. Zulkifli Hasan, because his deputy is a scholar, that's why PAN provides support to Bustami," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

Regarding the DPP's decision, said Irpannusir, his party in the DPW to administrators or cadres in all districts/cities throughout Aceh fully followed the central decision.

"DPW and DPD, Sami'na wa atha'na. Because this is purely a decision from the DPP PAN. And the DPP Instruction is for cadres to obey to win this pair," said the Aceh DPR member.

Sebagai informasi, sebelumnya Ketua DPW PAN Aceh, Mawardi Ali secara resmi pernah mendaftarkan diri untuk menjadi calon wakil Gubernur Aceh dari Eks Panglima GAM Muzakir Manaf alias Mualem.

However, the latest developments, Mualem and the Aceh Party have decided to take Gerindra cadres, namely Fadhullah (currently a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives) as his companion in the regional elections later.