Digital Transformation Adaptation Encourages Community Growth

JAKARTA - Digital transformation has become a fundamental changing force, ranging from human life, work education and so on. In 2023 global spending on technology and digital transformation services will be more than 2.16 trillion US dollars and is expected to reach 3.5 trillion US dollars in the near future.

This reflects the importance of digital transformation as a driver of people's growth. It is known that in recent years the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic have helped accelerate digital transformation in various fields, so digital literacy has become an urgent need to date.

Although digital transformation promises many benefits, a number of challenges do not escape digital transformation, ranging from access to use, trust, to governance. Several studies also highlight the risk of failure in digital transformation, especially if it is not supported by adequate planning and strategies. In addition, there are also aspects of ethics, privacy, culture and security that are of major concern in the application of digital technology.

That's why adaptation to digital development is considered important in today's era. Creator Content as well as AI Observer, Abil Sudarman said someone who cannot keep up with digital developments will lose competitiveness and unable to survive in world of work competition and business.

"Digital is basically technology. All technology increases productivity and efficiency. If we don't use digital or technology, of course we will be left behind," said Abil Sudarman, Content Creator & AI Observer in the Digital Literacy Obrals (OOTD) Webinar entitled "Digital Transformation: Adaptation for the Future" held by the Ministry of Communication and Information, Friday, August 23.

Digital Literacy Activist, Anita Wahid said that apart from the world of work, digital transformation can also be used to participate in the democratic process to monitor government performance.

"Digital technology is very likely to help strengthen democracy because digital technology can enable us to participate in democratic processes more broadly and directly. We can also monitor the government's performance both at the central and regional levels. We can also monitor the decision-making process to the state budget," said Anita, who is also a speaker at OOTD's "Digital Transformation: Adaptation to the Future".

Communication and Social Media Consultant, Ndoro Kakung added, digital development or digital transformation must be balanced with people who are digitally literate. If people already understand the positive and negative sides of digital technology, then a more advanced Indonesia is a necessity.

"In digital activities, we must have ethics and culture, and what is no less important is to always protect ourselves by protecting our data, our privacy when doing activities in the digital world," concluded Ndoro.