Monev Holds, Cilincing Employment BPJS Encourages PLKK To Improve Service Quality

JAKARTA - BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (BPJamsostek) Cilincing held monitoring and evaluation (monev) of the Work Accident Service Center (PLKK) which was attended by at least 25 representatives of health facilities (faskes).

The activity which took place in the meeting room of the Cilincing Employment BPJS Office on Thursday, August 22, was opened directly to the Head of the Haryani Rotua Melasari Branch Office.

"We hope that this monev activity with PLKK partners can create synergy and optimization of Work Accident Insurance (JKK) program services for participants," said Haryani.

Ani, as Haryani Rotua Melasari is known, emphasized the importance of excellent service for PLKK partners to provide quick and precise assistance in every case of work accidents experienced by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan participants.

In this meeting, his party also conveyed the latest information and updates related to the BPJS Employment program so that it can increase brand awareness for PLKK partners in its service products.

A number of obstacles experienced by the fostered PLKK were also discussed and discussed on the occasion so that the meeting took place interactively.

"We routinely carry out this activity by involving PLKK partners, where in every activity we also provide education and deep understanding regarding the programs and benefits of Employment Social Security, especially in Work Accident Insurance," said Ani.

Furthermore, Ani also appealed to every worker and employer to be orderly in administration so that if work risks such as work accidents occur, the benefits of protection can be provided.

"The role of the company's HRD is no less important in managing and reporting its workforce who has a work accident," said Ani.