Baznas Strengthens Institutions Through The Modernization Of Zakat Governance

JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) seeks to strengthen institutions through modernizing zakat governance as stated in the planning of the 2025 national zakat management.

This was stated at the Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorwil) of Baznas Bali, Aceh, North Sumatra, Banten, and Central Sulawesi which was held in Bali some time ago.

"Baznas as an institution mandated by law to manage national zakat continues to strive to provide appropriate policies to maximize the potential of zakat in Indonesia," said the Head of the Indonesian National Baznas for Planning, Studies, and Development of Zainulbahar Noor through a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, August 24.

Zainulbahar assessed that currently Indonesia is in an era full of challenges, with increasingly complex economic dynamics.

Therefore, he said, planning for the national zakat management in 2025 is an important priority in ensuring zakat can be managed more effectively, transparently, and on target.

"Baznas will continue to optimize technology in the collection, distribution, and reporting of zakat. We will also strengthen synergies with the government, zakat institutions, and all stakeholders, to create an increasingly integrated zakat ecosystem," he said.

According to Zainulbahar, several 2025 national zakat management planning policies are being prepared, including the National Zakat Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPZN) and the National Zakat Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMZN).

He said that his party was also preparing Strategic Plans for Zakat, Infaq, Alms, and Other Religious Social Funds (ZIS-DSKL) which contained vision, mission, policy direction, and key performance indicators within the Indonesian National Baznas, Provincial Baznas, and Regency/City Baznas. In addition, there are also Work Plans and Annual Work Plans and Budgets or RKAT.

Zainulbahar emphasized ZIS-DSKL planning policies through several stages, including the preparation of ZIS-DSKL planning, stipulation and ratification of ZIS-DSKL planning, controlling the implementation of ZIS-DSKL planning, and evaluating the implementation of ZIS-DSKL planning.

"The Indonesian National Agency also synchronizes plans and budgeting to increase the integration of planning and budgeting, which is of higher quality and effective in order to achieve the target of zakat management according to the vision and mission set out in the Indonesian National Agency of National Agency (Baznas RI)", said Zainulbahar Noor.